ostrya / PresencePublisher

An Android MQTT client that regularly publishes messages to notify about the device's presence
MIT License
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Use without checking wifi? #42

Closed LM1LC3N7 closed 2 years ago

LM1LC3N7 commented 2 years ago


I would like to try to send a message without conditions every 15 minutes. I suspect that on wifi I am forced to specify the SSID name.

Also I would like to disable the location service on Android and keep the app sending messages. It seems not possible, can you confirm?

Thanks for your help😀

LM1LC3N7 commented 2 years ago

Update: by checking "use mobile" and "send absence messages" I was able to achieve what I needed.

In order to send messages on wifi on my LAN regardless the SSID:

  1. I send messages using the absence option
  2. The absence message is "1"
  3. The presence message is also "1"
  4. That way I can use the app without GPS permission and my domotic box (@GladysAssistant) is warn I am back to home when I connect my phone to the LAN via Wifi.