I love heroku, but we should try to save some money. Right now there are two apps running every month. There are additional solutions out there that are more affordable, but may require more upkeep.
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DigitalOcean / VPS
Run Dokku -- this will give us heroku-like commands with git pushing to publish the app.
Cheap Vultr VPS instance ¿
Look into containerized options ? dokku is on the backend
GCP options?
I could host this on my server, but I would like to keep everything under the domain of OSU rather than an individual, but currently this does have to run under someone's account unless there's an entity such as a club that wants to maintain the costs.
Currently the bot is stateless, there may be features that require state; we can dig more into that when we get to that roadblock, but on heroku it could definitely mean doubling the price ☠
I started looking into things like cloud functions/Google Run, but I think the bot needs to be listening at all times.
We could go crazy and have a listener that dispatches to a cloud function, but that seems overkill and I don't think it would save us any money since we need the listener up anyways.
Until discord has something like slack where prefixes can trigger webhooks this would not be viable.
I love heroku, but we should try to save some money. Right now there are two apps running every month. There are additional solutions out there that are more affordable, but may require more upkeep.
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