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How does libpsi support tls? #43

Closed nihaoqingtuan closed 1 year ago

nihaoqingtuan commented 1 year ago

i am learning how to use it.

ladnir commented 1 year ago

It doesn't really. There is some support for wolfssl via cryptoTools but that's more or less deprecated.

You can use your own tls socket type and have Channel wrap it. See the networking tutorial.

Or you can use vole-psi https://github.com/Visa-Research/volepsi

This has open ssl support via coproto.

nihaoqingtuan commented 1 year ago

i see that https://github.com/ladnir/cryptoTools/blob/master/cryptoTools/Network/TLS.cpp .can it be used in libpsi?

ladnir commented 1 year ago

You can try it. Will require coding some to get it to work. You first have to install wolfssl. You then have to build libOTe & cryptoTools with wolfssl enabled. You then have to create a Channel with your tls setting...

Overall what's your goal? You want to use the library in production?

nihaoqingtuan commented 1 year ago

i just try to learn something.To be honest, I don't really get what you said above.I'm just a beginner

ladnir commented 1 year ago

I see. so it is possible to run the library with tls. but often, when someone wants to run the library with TLS they already have their own TLS library. Its rare for people to want to use the TLS library that comes integrated with cryptoTools.

I implemented TLS support partially as an experiment/proof of concept. I no longer use it and so it can't promise that it works well. If you are just curious, then it will probably meet your needs.

you can then use that channel to perform the protocol and tls will be enabled.

ladnir commented 1 year ago

also, this is all untested for a long time so it might be broken...

nihaoqingtuan commented 1 year ago

thanks for your help. but wolfssl and libOTe should be in the same parent directory as libPSI, right?

ladnir commented 1 year ago

wolfssl should be installed on the system. Or you can try to install it to libPSI/out/install/<platform>. I think that would work too.

nihaoqingtuan commented 1 year ago

Does the way you say require a c++ programming foundation?if yes,what you said is beyond my ability.i am learning psi ,i even never study c++. So I can't go any further on c++ programming methods, I'm just doing black box testing. Thanks for your patience

ladnir commented 1 year ago

Then this is beyond your ability... Probably not worth the effort regardless

nihaoqingtuan commented 1 year ago

hhh, thanks a lot.I'm going to learn c++ and try what you said

ladnir commented 1 year ago

You could also try vole-psi. This is my current psi protocol (better than this library for the most part) and has better ssl support. Although it still requires some amount of configuration to turn tls on.

nihaoqingtuan commented 1 year ago

ok. So can you tell me what configuration this library needs to support tls

ladnir commented 1 year ago

I'll push some code tomorrow to make it easy and get back to you.

nihaoqingtuan commented 1 year ago

My God, I got such good positive feedback for the first time I tried to communicate with people in English, thank you so much

nihaoqingtuan commented 1 year ago

By the way, there is another problem. Is the version of these libraries required for cmake and gcc?

ladnir commented 1 year ago

Cmake 3.20 should work and I think gcc 8 works.

For the tls stuff, give me until next week. Not quite happy with how it currently works and want to fix a few things.

nihaoqingtuan commented 1 year ago

ok.thank you

nihaoqingtuan commented 1 year ago

hi, i'm learning how to use openssl. But I can't find anything about adding openssl to the volepsi communication channel. Can you recommend some materials, such as books, videos, etc.?

ladnir commented 1 year ago

Still working on this. Realized the tls implementation was not correct and currently fixing it.

nihaoqingtuan commented 1 year ago

ok. thanks for your work. I am also learning skills in this area. Can you simply recommend some study materials?

ladnir commented 1 year ago

You want to learn about psi or tls?

nihaoqingtuan commented 1 year ago

both. After all, i need to learn step by step

nihaoqingtuan commented 1 year ago

More accurate is to learn c++, on how to support TLS for all psi

nihaoqingtuan commented 1 year ago

All I know is some basic socket programming, such as writing a client and a server and then using function methods to create objects to receive and send messages. But about having them support tls communication in a project like libpsi. I don't have a clear concept

ladnir commented 1 year ago

For PSI reading the papers and watching the talks is the best suggestion I have.

For getting better at writing and reading protocols I think that it just takes practice. Maybe implement some stuff and see what you learn. You can take a look at my networking tutorial on coproto or the one on Channel

For TLS, I'm not really sure. I've only learned a subset of it by simply playing around with it.

Keep in mind that the communication and MPC/PSI protocol are typically abstracted away from eachother. For example, Google's implementation of PSI does not directly interact with TLS. Instead their protocol implementation simply hands out messages to be sent and lets a different system actually handle the message passing. This is typically the case in more "production" codebases due to the complexity of setting up communication channels.