osu-tournament-rating / otr-api

API powering osu! Tournament Rating
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Add settings storage capabilities for users #311

Closed myssto closed 1 month ago

myssto commented 1 month ago

Adds a UserSettings entity that will hold user controllable settings for otr-web going forward. Currently holds two values, Ruleset DefaultRuleset and bool DefaultRulesetIsControlled. The rationale is that by default, users will have their preferred ruleset synced with the ruleset they have selected on their osu! profile. If they wish to have a different preferred ruleset for otr, they can change it, and the value will no longer sync with their osu! profile.

UserSettings are populated with defaults via a migration. By default, all users' rulesets will be set to and synced with the one selected on their osu! profile.

New Endpoints

Schema Changes

Closes #286

hburn7 commented 1 month ago

Schema changes need to be implemented in web implementation before merging.

myssto commented 1 month ago

Tested locally against otr-web#189 . Everything looks good to me.