osu-tournament-rating / otr-api

API powering osu! Tournament Rating
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Registered users over time #460

Open hburn7 opened 4 weeks ago

hburn7 commented 4 weeks ago


High level objective is to model the number of registered users over time. This is simply displaying a collection of time-series data.

  1. Write a database query that groups number of users by signup date (per day)
  2. Write a TimeSeriesDataPointDTO (if it doesn't exist) which maps this query result into a structure like object Y, DateTime X.
  3. Write a controller & service layer


myssto commented 4 weeks ago

I think before we implement anything for the global stats page we should revisit caching. These will be expensive queries that will evaluate over entire tables and we shouldn't run them on every request. The results should be cached with a long lifetime

hburn7 commented 4 weeks ago

Could easily be cached on a 3-6 hour timer