osuAkatsuki / bancho.py

An osu! server for the generic public, optimized for maintainability in modern python
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Setup test coverage (text & html reports available in CI) #609

Closed cmyui closed 4 months ago

cmyui commented 4 months ago

Describe your changes

This PR adds test coverage to our test suite. Coverage allows us to see what code flows we are testing, and helps identify untested code.

Related Issues / Projects


cmyui commented 4 months ago

Basic coverage report is working:

======================== 85 passed, 11 xfailed in 5.67s ========================
Name                                    Stmts   Miss  Cover
app/__init__.py                            10      0   100%
app/_typing.py                             17      4    76%
app/api/__init__.py                         9      0   100%
app/api/domains/__init__.py                 3      0   100%
app/api/domains/cho.py                   1054    683    35%
app/api/domains/map.py                      9      1    89%
app/api/domains/osu.py                    639    323    49%
app/api/init_api.py                       100     22    78%
app/api/middlewares.py                     22      0   100%
app/api/v1/__init__.py                      4      0   100%
app/api/v1/api.py                         282    215    24%
app/api/v2/__init__.py                     10      0   100%
app/api/v2/clans.py                        23      9    61%
app/api/v2/common/json.py                  19      9    53%
app/api/v2/common/responses.py             24      6    75%
app/api/v2/maps.py                         23      9    61%
app/api/v2/models/__init__.py              11      1    91%
app/api/v2/models/clans.py                  9      0   100%
app/api/v2/models/maps.py                  27      0   100%
app/api/v2/models/players.py               43      0   100%
app/api/v2/models/scores.py                23      0   100%
app/api/v2/players.py                      47     23    51%
app/api/v2/scores.py                       23      9    61%
app/bg_loops.py                            42     14    67%
app/commands.py                          1317   1020    23%
app/constants/__init__.py                   5      0   100%
app/constants/clientflags.py               35      0   100%
app/constants/gamemodes.py                 45      6    87%
app/constants/mods.py                     121     55    55%
app/constants/privileges.py                38      0   100%
app/constants/regexes.py                    9      0   100%
app/discord.py                            114     77    32%
app/encryption.py                          16      0   100%
app/objects/__init__.py                     9      0   100%
app/objects/achievement.py                 15      7    53%
app/objects/beatmap.py                    [353](https://github.com/osuAkatsuki/bancho.py/actions/runs/7926964078/job/21642556207#step:5:354)    140    60%
app/objects/channel.py                     60     25    58%
app/objects/clan.py                        39     25    36%
app/objects/collections.py                244    121    50%
app/objects/match.py                      314    216    31%
app/objects/models.py                       5      0   100%
app/objects/player.py                     522    268    49%
app/objects/score.py                      204     70    66%
app/packets.py                            621    141    77%
app/repositories/__init__.py                0      0   100%
app/repositories/achievements.py           98     59    40%
app/repositories/channels.py               81     49    40%
app/repositories/clans.py                  75     44    41%
app/repositories/client_hashes.py          39      2    95%
app/repositories/comments.py               36     12    67%
app/repositories/favourites.py             31     16    48%
app/repositories/ingame_logins.py          50     17    66%
app/repositories/logs.py                   24      8    67%
app/repositories/mail.py                   40     17    58%
app/repositories/map_requests.py           36     19    47%
app/repositories/maps.py                  150     83    45%
app/repositories/players.py               120     55    54%
app/repositories/ratings.py                34     20    41%
app/repositories/scores.py                 97     32    67%
app/repositories/stats.py                 115     26    77%
app/repositories/user_achievements.py      29      3    90%
app/settings_utils.py                      23     10    57%
app/state/__init__.py                      16      3    81%
app/state/cache.py                         10      2    80%
app/state/services.py                     228    119    48%
app/state/sessions.py                      33      5    85%
app/usecases/__init__.py                    0      0   100%
app/usecases/achievements.py                9      2    78%
app/usecases/performance.py                57      2    96%
app/usecases/user_achievements.py          11      0   100%
app/utils.py                              185     79    57%
TOTAL                                    8186   4183    49%

I will now see if I can get an html report setup as an artifact export that's easily accessible for engineers in CI & locally

cmyui commented 4 months ago

A bit awkward to find & use, but html reports are now available in CI


Perhaps we can do better? Would be nice to have these served on a public url. cc @NiceAesth @tsunyoku in case you have any ideas

tsunyoku commented 4 months ago

i know at work that our coverage workflow automatically errors if the coverage has decreased since a previous commit.. is that not possible here? would be better than hard-coding numbers

cmyui commented 4 months ago

i know at work that our coverage workflow automatically errors if the coverage has decreased since a previous commit.. is that not possible here? would be better than hard-coding numbers

Hmm.. Not that I can find built-in: https://coverage.readthedocs.io/en/7.4.1/config.html#report-fail-under

It would need to involve feeding the previous metrics (metrics on the base branch) to the coverage tool somehow.. I suspect we could do it in theory via --fail-under=${prev_pct}, but it's not something I've explored before.

would be better than hard-coding numbers

Yeah especially for when we're at these new-suite stages. Once we're at 100%, it matters less.. But there's a long path ahead 🤣

cmyui commented 4 months ago

Going to merge for now