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bibo:peerReviewed doesn't exist, look again at BIBO ontology #716

Open wickr opened 7 years ago

wickr commented 7 years ago

http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/peerReviewed which is mapped in default metadata doesn't actually exist.

There is a http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/status/peerReviewed and it's counterpart http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/status/nonPeerReviewed but they're term values for I think the bibo:DocumentStatus property.

The ontology is here: https://github.com/structureddynamics/Bibliographic-Ontology-BIBO/blob/master/bibo.owl

wickr commented 6 years ago

@vantuyls @simholt

Option A: Change predicate to http://dbpedia.org/ontology/isPeerReviewed in DefaultMetadata and all items with this predicate The values for that are of range xsd:boolean (one of 'true', 'false', 1, 0) so I think we're ok there, even though our TRUE/FALSE are capitalized

Option B: Change predicate to http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/status in DefaultMetadata and all items with this predicate Change PeerReviewed property values (TRUE/FALSE) to

This would allow other Statuses defined by BIBO ('draft', 'forthcoming', 'legal', 'published', 'rejected, 'unpublished' have URIs) and any others we would want to define. The existing Peer Reviewed facet could be configured to stay as it is now, or it could be merged in to a bigger 'Document Status' one that has Peer Reviewed and Non Peer Reviewed along with the other values.

wickr commented 6 years ago

Steve said go with Option A.

vantuyls commented 6 years ago

@wickr please also update the MAP when you finalize this.

vantuyls commented 6 years ago

@simholt @wickr if this is properly reflected on the MAP, please close this issue.

revgum commented 5 years ago

The current thinking is that I run a job to change the predicate in Fedora in conjunction with a code update so the application knows about the property/predicate change, and our “QA” service is aware of the metadata value. The new values should be lowercase true and false.

The solution to this ticket will need to be coordinated and planned to run the Fedora update immediately after the code is pushed to production.

carakey commented 5 years ago

We are changing the predicate to http://dbpedia.org/ontology/isPeerReviewed (as in Option A, with agreement as documented in this ticket in Jan 2018). The new predicate should have xsd:boolean conformant values true or false.

Aspects of this change include:

revgum commented 5 years ago

Production update process;

carakey commented 2 weeks ago

QA TL;DR: QA Pass for new instances of the Peer Reviewed statement / field. However QA fail for updates to existing Peer Reviewed statements.

QA in Staging based on criteria in 4/30/19 comment above:

lamtu1 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @carakey, have you run the rake task that is include in this PR, :update_peer_review_data? This file will update it all the old peerreview to the new predicate and change the value as well.

carakey commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @lamtu1, running rake tasks is not a thing I do. I don't have back end access and I wouldn't know how to run one if I did.

lamtu1 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @carakey, I will ask either Brandon and Corey about running on staging to test and see if we could do it.

carakey commented 1 week ago

QA Round 2 -- fail. A statement with the new dbpedia predicate was added, but the old bibo statement was not removed.

QA detail:

(line 26) <https://ir-staging.library.oregonstate.edu/concern/articles/cr56n115b> <http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/peerReviewed> "TRUE" .
(line 41) 
<https://ir-staging.library.oregonstate.edu/concern/articles/cr56n115b> <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/isPeerReviewed> "true" .

Staging has 3 total files with pre-existing Peer Reviewed values:

...Plus one that I added in QA round 1:

Looking further into this, I checked the NT files for all 4 in this round. All 3 pre-existing ones now have both statements. The post-update one only has the dbpedia statement.

carakey commented 1 week ago

After @lamtu1 reran the script, all 4 staging works in the previous comment have only the dbpedia statement with lowercase "true" values.

QA pass.

BUT double check after the first run on Prod to make sure the old statements are removed.

carakey commented 1 week ago

I changed the predicate in the MAP.