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Archon instance for SCARC
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Create a custom EAD export for Archives West #139

Closed mickeroo closed 8 years ago

mickeroo commented 8 years ago

Here are the steps that need to be taken when an item is exported in EAD from Archon for import into Archives West. Creating a custom EAD export will save time and effort down the road.

1.    Copy <?xml> and <!DOCTYPE> from orcs.xml to top of file.
2.    Delete all namespace attributes in <ead> -- but watch out … don’t delete <ead>
3.    In <eadheader>, delete audience attribute and change relatedencoding attribute from MARC21 to dc
4.    In <eadid>, change mainagency attribute to “orcs”
5.    Change value for <eadid> to file name … OREhoerner.xml for ArchivesWest; hoerner.xml for SCARC website [export as MSS/Hoerner]
6.    In <titleproper> change encodinganalog from “245” to “title”
7.    Insert date for collection <date> in <titleproper> - same as unitdate inclusive in <archdesc>; text and normailized as attribute
8.    Add altrender=”nodisplay” to <titleproper> for filing title
9.    In <author> change encodinganalog from 245$c to “creator”  NOTE:  format is different than for current finding aids, but that is fine.
10.   In <profiledesc> delete <p> with “copyright 2015 SCARC. All rights reserved.”
11.   Add <publisher>, <date> and <address> elements to <publicationstmt> and enter date … all rest is “boiler plate”.
12.   In <creation>, delete attribute for encodinganalog
13.   In <creation> … edit “was encoding” to “was encoded”
14.   For <creation><date> add era and calendar attributes. Note:  date is export date from Archon.
15.   Added sentence to <creation>:  “Encoding was modified by Elizabeth Nielsen for Archives West compliance.”
16.   Add <language> and <descrules> to <profiledesc>
17.   Delete <frontmatter>

18.   In <archdesc>, change type attribute to “guide”, delete “audience” attribute, and change relatedencoding attribute to “marc21” (lower case)
19.   Replace <repository> with <repository> elements and content from orcs.xml
20.   Delete all <head> elements
21.   Delete all label attributes
22.   In <unitid> change encodinganalog to “099”, repositorycode to “orcs”, and countrycode to “us” (lower case).
23.   Unit id exports as MSS/Hoerner for this collection – edit to standard format of “MSS Hoerner”
24.   For <unititle>, change encodinganalog to “245$a”
25.   Un-nest <unitdate>s from within <unittitle>
26.   Add era and calendar attributes to <unitdate>s
27.   Add normalized date to bulk
28.   In <origination>, remove encodinganalog
29.   In <origination><persname>, delete normal attribute and change role from “Collector” to “creator”
30.   Move second <physdesc> to second <extent> element within first <physdesc>; change encodinganalog to 300$a; move unit (“cubic feet”) from type attribute to text of element – 4.50 cubic feet.  Move “500 photographs to first extent statement … add “including” …
31.   In abstract, change encodinganalog attribute from 520$a to 5203_
32.   In <langmaterial>, remove encodinganalog and add “Materials in” text and “.”  Also add “and” if appropriate.
33.   For <langmaterial><language> change encodinganalog to 546 (from 041)
34.   For <bioghist>, delete altrender attribute,  add 0_ or 1_ to encodinganalog (0 for biographical … 1 for administrative) and <head>
35.   Delete <descgrp> wrapper element around <acqinfo>, <accessrestrict>, <prefercite>, and <relatedmaterial>, etc.
36.   In <scopecontent>, add encodinganalog “5202_”
37.   In <relatedmaterial>, change encodinganalog to 5441_
38.   For <extref> links in <relatedmaterial>, delete linktype and audience attributes; add role=”text/html”; change show to “new”.
39.   In relatedmaterial, change href to Archives West Ark URLs …
40.   In <controlaccess> -- delete “This Collection is indexed …” sentence.
41.   Delete local heading from “<genreform> -- for collection types (hops and brewing … natural resources … etc.) – NOTE:  This may have been a one-time problem
42.   Add Archives West browsing terms

43.   For <c01> (series) … replace internal Archon ID with “Series X” and delete attributes
44.   For series, add normalized date.
45.   Change “Box-Folder” to “box-folder”; “Box-Item” to “box-item”, and “Map-Folder” to “map-folder”
46.   Delete internal Archon unitid at <c02> and “below”
47.    Delete all <head> elements
48.   Add <extref> links within s/c, title, or elsewhere in <dsc>.
49.   Add unitid value … if it is an item number that “matters” …