osuosl / streamwebs

Streamwebs.org website
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Jerryp/gallery v2 #665

Open jerry-peng opened 6 years ago

jerry-peng commented 6 years ago

fixes issue #485 637

Browser support for gallery video player: Chrome: does not preload (good), cannot move video seek bar (bad) Firefox: works fine, does not preload (good), seek bar works (good) Safari (Mac): not working Safari (Phone): not working Edge: does not preload (good), moving seek bar requires downloading video before seeking position (bad)

Changes in this PR.

Testing this PR.

  1. Create an editor and a contributor account. Approve them through admin account
  2. Login as contributor. View some existing videos/field journal. Make sure the website displays correctly.
  3. try clicking the delete video/ delete journal buttons. It should not work.
  4. Try adding new video/journal. For journal, make sure title, entry, date_time fields are required. For videos, make sure title, date_time, video fields are required, and thumbnail and description fields are optional.
  5. After adding the videos/journal, the webpage should redirect to the site page. Make sure the newly added videos/journals appear on the site page.
  6. Logout, and login as contributor. Do the same (step 2-5) The only difference is, after deleting videos/field journals, they are deleted and user is directed back to the site page. Make sure deleted videos/journals do not appear on the site page.

Expected Output.

  1. Everything that has "make sure" is made sure.
$ make test
[... test output ...]
