Closed statnmap closed 6 years ago
You can use north2
gg_map <- ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = map2, aes(fill = nots)) +
scale_fill_brewer(name = 'Animal abuse\nnotifications', palette = 8) +
scalebar(map2, dist = 5, dd2km = FALSE)
north2(gg_map, x = .7, y = .9, symbol = 16, scale = 0.15)
Ok. Indeed, you wrote it in the doc of north2
North symbols are included in the plot with the annotation_custom function, which do not works when used together with an empty call to ggplot (see last example). When it is convenient to use an empty call to ggplot, use north2 instead.
Indeed, I think this is more a problem of ggmap::inset
, because if you really use:
return(annotation_custom(symbol, xmin = x.min, xmax = x.max, ymin = y.min,
ymax = y.max))
Then it works for ggplot()
empty call. But not for ggmap
Maybe can you add a test whether this is a {sf} object or not. I do not know if there is a parameter somewhere to find if the call to ggplot
was empty or not.
alt_north <- function (data = NULL, location = "topright", scale = 0.1, symbol = 1,
x.min, x.max, y.min, y.max, anchor = NULL)
if (is.null(data)) {
if (is.null(x.min) | is.null(x.max) | is.null(y.min) |
is.null(y.max)) {
stop("If data is not defined, x.min, x.max, y.min and y.max must be.")
data <- data.frame(long = c(x.min, x.max), lat = c(y.min,
if (any(class(data) %in% "sf")) {
xmin <- sf::st_bbox(data)["xmin"]
xmax <- sf::st_bbox(data)["xmax"]
ymin <- sf::st_bbox(data)["ymin"]
ymax <- sf::st_bbox(data)["ymax"]
scale.x <- (xmax - xmin) * scale
scale.y <- (ymax - ymin) * scale
else {
xmin <- min(data$long)
xmax <- max(data$long)
ymin <- min(data$lat)
ymax <- max(data$lat)
scale.x <- (xmax - xmin) * scale
scale.y <- (ymax - ymin) * scale
if (location == "bottomleft") {
if (is.null(anchor)) {
x.min <- xmin
y.min <- ymin
else {
x.min <- anchor["x"]
y.min <- anchor["y"]
x.max <- x.min + scale.x
y.max <- y.min + scale.y
if (location == "bottomright") {
if (is.null(anchor)) {
x.max <- xmax
y.min <- ymin
else {
x.max <- anchor["x"]
y.min <- anchor["y"]
x.min <- x.max - scale.x
y.max <- y.min + scale.y
if (location == "topleft") {
if (is.null(anchor)) {
x.min <- xmin
y.max <- ymax
else {
x.min <- anchor["x"]
y.max <- anchor["y"]
x.max <- x.min + scale.x
y.min <- y.max - scale.y
if (location == "topright") {
if (is.null(anchor)) {
x.max <- xmax
y.max <- ymax
else {
x.max <- anchor["x"]
y.max <- anchor["y"]
x.min <- x.max - scale.x
y.min <- y.max - scale.y
symbol <- sprintf("%02.f", symbol)
symbol <- png::readPNG(paste0(system.file("symbols", package = "ggsn"),
"/", symbol, ".png"))
symbol <- grid::rasterGrob(symbol, interpolate = TRUE)
if (any(class(data) %in% "sf")) {
return(annotation_custom(symbol, xmin = x.min, xmax = x.max, ymin = y.min,
ymax = y.max))
} else {
return(ggmap::inset(symbol, xmin = x.min, xmax = x.max, ymin = y.min,
ymax = y.max))
And the example:
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = map2, aes(fill = nots)) +
alt_north(map2, symbol = 16, scale = 0.15) +
scale_fill_brewer(name = 'Animal abuse\nnotifications', palette = 8) +
scalebar(map2, dist = 5, dd2km = FALSE)
I was using ggmap::inset
to avoid problems of annotation_custom
with non Cartesian coordinates. This problems seems to be solved in recent ggplot
versions, so I came back to annotation_custom
in ggsn v0.4.10
First of all, thank you for this package.
When I have multiple layers to plot, I use to write my ggplot layers as is:
In that case, your scalebar continues to work but not the north arrow.
For instance with your example:
I do not see where this comes from.