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Keycloak CSP error when accessing admin path in dev mode #370

Closed dzintars closed 1 year ago

dzintars commented 1 year ago

image When following docs, but running as Podman deployment, I do get this issue.

dzintars commented 1 year ago

http://localhost:8082 looks working just fine. So.. looks like my HAProxy config is messing something up.

dzintars commented 1 year ago

It tries to load http://sso.oswee.dev/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/3p-cookies/step1.html... Can I disable that in the config? OH... wait... why is it http?

dzintars commented 1 year ago

https://sso.oswee.dev/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/3p-cookies/step1.html (https) gives back 200.

dzintars commented 1 year ago

Look like there is some mess with environment variable naming conventions. Some variables are prefixed with KEYCLOAK_ and some with KC_. Go figure out. image This particular ENV is controlling: image

dzintars commented 1 year ago

image These seems to work, without tinkering with CSP headers in HAProxy

dzintars commented 1 year ago

image These seems to work, without tinkering with CSP headers in HAProxy