osxfuse / sshfs

File system based on the SSH File Transfer Protocol
GNU General Public License v2.0
1.14k stars 128 forks source link

Mounts but not available #59

Open ekkis opened 4 years ago

ekkis commented 4 years ago

I followed this guide here: https://jonathansblog.co.uk/sshfs-mount-remote-drive-in-finder and my commands look like this:

# sudo mkdir /Volumes/XX
# sudo sshfs -o reconnect -o volname=XX ekkis@mydomain.net:/ /Volumes/XX

which succeeds in mounting, so my expectation is I would find a nice little icon on my desktop pointing to the file system. but there's no icon. curiously, if I look (ls -a /Volumes) I don't see the XX directory I created!

and if I try to mkdir that directory, it complains it already exists!

crazy. what's up with this?


running on OSX Mojave (10.14.6) with OSXFuse 3.10.6 and SSHFS 2.5.0

mischievous commented 4 years ago

There is weird stuff that goes on with newer finder versions. OSXFuse will automatically create the directory for you in /Volumes. The entire idea being the fuse project was not to have to use sudo to mount something. Since you are using sudo I think there are other flags you have to pass to get it to work correctly.

If you don't have to use sudo I can toot my own horn and suggest https://github.com/mischievous/macfusion3 it will do the mounting for you, and has options to mount on launch or on ip addresses. I use it to auto connect (kind of the same as reconnect) when my vpn connection to work is established.

ekkis commented 4 years ago

but I cannot create directories in /Volumes without sudo

mischievous commented 4 years ago

You don’t need to. The part of OSX fuse running in the kernel will create the directory for you.