osxmidi / LinVst3

Linux Windows vst3 wrapper/bridge
GNU General Public License v3.0
90 stars 7 forks source link

Suggestion to improve the file selection operation #2

Closed CodesoundR closed 5 years ago

CodesoundR commented 5 years ago


The file selection operation is not user frendly.... For example:

1.If the files .vst3 are cataloged in some sub-directory, I need to generate the .so file for each sub-directory. It's possible to select only the root of .vst3 files and then generate the .so for each? 2.I need to select the .so3 file for each .vst3 new directory and sub-directory: but the link to this file remain this for all the operations. It's possible to link only one time the .so3 file?


osxmidi commented 5 years ago

linvst3convert only does one directory.

linvst3converttree does sub directories as well.

CodesoundR commented 5 years ago

Thanks... Thanks... Thanks....