osxpeppermint / peppermint

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Customize or at least get a map of keyboard shortcuts #79

Open rcrooks opened 9 years ago

rcrooks commented 9 years ago

Customize would be ideal :) Probably worth giving some thought also to managing keyboard shortcuts if plugins can set them as well as the core editor. One of the reasons I gave up on Atom was that (IMO) they made such a mess of this that I could never manage to get the keyboard mappings I wanted.

osxpeppermint commented 9 years ago


I know about that, and I've already done a lot of background work in order to support fully customiseable shortcuts (You can set them up via the API, but not in any more... user-friendly way - e.g. via the Preferences) - but it's not even Beta-ready yet.

Given that there are a few challenges, I have postponed it. But the more the... most important bugs are eliminated, the closer the integration of features such as this one comes. :)