ACE reports "No keystore configured" error in a message flow in ACE on CP4I 2019.4.1.
As a pre-requisite for ACE pod to create the keystore, the was run (against the keystore-testace.crt, keystore-testace.key, keystore-testace.pass, keystorePassword.txt) which is included as part of the IBM provided helm chart for ACE for CP4I where "testace" is the keystore key alias name.(
Helm install params used [--set integrationServer.configurationSecret=secret-created-in-openshift-by-generatesecret-sh] & [integrationServer.keystoreKeyNames=testace]
2020-04-16 18:42:17.799412: About to 'Start' the deployed resource 'message_flow_1' of type 'RestAPI'.
2020-04-16 18:42:17.800178: Deployed resource 'gen.message_flow_1' (uuid='gen.message_flow_1',type='MessageFlow') successfully stopped.
2020-04-16 18:42:17.800290: Message Flow 'gen.message_flow_1', 'gen.message_flow_1' encountered a failure and could not start.
2020-04-16 18:42:17.800338: An exception occurred while starting the servlet engine connector. Exception text is No keystore configured
ACE reports "No keystore configured" error in a message flow in ACE on CP4I 2019.4.1.
As a pre-requisite for ACE pod to create the keystore, the was run (against the keystore-testace.crt, keystore-testace.key, keystore-testace.pass, keystorePassword.txt) which is included as part of the IBM provided helm chart for ACE for CP4I where "testace" is the keystore key alias name.(
Helm install params used [--set integrationServer.configurationSecret=secret-created-in-openshift-by-generatesecret-sh] & [integrationServer.keystoreKeyNames=testace]
Not sure if ACE on CP4I requires an HTTPS listener to be setup like IIB? -