ot4i / ace-docker

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issue with mqsisetdbparms initial configuration #79

Closed gomezrjo closed 5 years ago

gomezrjo commented 5 years ago

Hi, I suggest you improve the documentation around how to use the mqsisetdbparms file included in the initial configuration because the sample file includes a full mqsisetdbparms command which makes it sound like you need to include the full command when you only need to include the resource name and the credentials. This could save time to others. Best regards... Joel

IBMRob commented 5 years ago

Hi @gomezrjo - The setdbparms.txt has two formats that are supported as per the documentation. a) resource username password b) The full mqsisetdbparms command. Note that we only support the mqsisetdbparms command, you can't put any other command in the file.

The sample provides examples of both of these.

Note: The code in this repo is the latest version and we have not always cut a release with the code in master. Other applications such as IBM Cloud Pak for Integration may not have picked up the latest release with these changes in it.

If you want to view the files for a given release you can access them via https://github.com/ot4i/ace-docker/releases

gomezrjo commented 5 years ago

Hi @IBMRob thank you for your feedback. However, when I initially tried to use the full mqsisetdbparms command, my integration server didn't come up. I always got error "BIP8129W" until I switched to the "resource username password" format. And this is part of a simple test where I'm starting my container using the following command in my own workstation: "docker run --name acelbapp -p 7600:7600 -p 7800:7800 --env LICENSE=accept --env ACE_SERVER_NAME=ACESERVER --mount type=bind,src=/Users/jgomezr/IBM/Resources/Development/ace-docker/initial-config,dst=/home/aceuser/initial-config acelbapp:latest", so I think there is something wrong with the "ace_config_setdbparms.sh" if the mqsisetdbparms is expected to work.

IBMRob commented 5 years ago

@gomezrjo - I've just built a container using the latest code and then run an image using the sample setdbparms commands and it worked fine..

docker run --name acelbapp -p 7600:7600 -p 7800:7800 --env LICENSE=accept --env ACE_SERVER_NAME=ACESERVER -v /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/Users/convery/Documents/GitHub/ace-docker/sample/initial-config/:/home/aceuser/initial-config  ace-only:latest
2019-08-27T07:50:30.270Z Image created: 2019-08-27T07:24:58+00:00
2019-08-27T07:50:30.271Z Image revision: Not specified
2019-08-27T07:50:30.271Z Image source: Not specified
2019-08-27T07:50:30.375Z ACE version: 11005
2019-08-27T07:50:30.375Z ACE level: S000-L190627.15920
2019-08-27T07:50:30.375Z ACE build type: Production, 64 bit, amd64_linux_2
2019-08-27T07:50:30.375Z Checking for valid working directory
2019-08-27T07:50:30.375Z Checking if work dir is already initialized
2019-08-27T07:50:30.375Z Checking for contents in the work dir
2019-08-27T07:50:30.376Z Work dir initialization complete
2019-08-27T07:50:30.376Z Performing initial configuration of integration server
2019-08-27T07:50:30.376Z No content server url available
2019-08-27T07:50:30.384Z Processing configuration in folder odbcini
2019-08-27T07:50:30.396Z+00:00 Handling odbcini configuration
2019-08-27T07:50:30.404Z+00:00 Odbcini configuration complete
2019-08-27T07:50:30.405Z Processing configuration in folder policy
2019-08-27T07:50:30.418Z+00:00 Handling policy configuration
2019-08-27T07:50:30.438Z+00:00 Policy configuration complete
2019-08-27T07:50:30.439Z Processing configuration in folder serverconf
2019-08-27T07:50:30.448Z+00:00 Handling server.conf configuration
2019-08-27T07:50:30.454Z+00:00 server.conf configuration complete
2019-08-27T07:50:30.454Z Processing configuration in folder setdbparms
2019-08-27T07:50:30.464Z+00:00 Handling setdbparms configuration
2019-08-27T07:50:30.529Z+00:00 Setting user and password for resource: setdbparms::truststore
BIP8071I: Successful command completion.
2019-08-27T07:50:30.618Z+00:00 BIP8071I: Successful command completion. 
2019-08-27T07:50:30.619Z+00:00 Running suppplied mqsisetdbparms command
2019-08-27T07:50:30.708Z+00:00 BIP8071I: Successful command completion. 
2019-08-27T07:50:30.710Z+00:00 setdbparms configuration complete
2019-08-27T07:50:30.710Z Processing configuration in folder truststore
2019-08-27T07:50:30.722Z+00:00 Handling truststore configuration
2019-08-27T07:50:30.744Z+00:00 No truststore password defined
2019-08-27T07:50:30.745Z Error processing configuration in folder truststore: /usr/local/bin/ace_config_truststore.sh: exit status 1: 
2019-08-27T07:50:30.745Z [/usr/local/bin/ace_config_truststore.sh: exit status 1: ]
2019-08-27T07:50:30.745Z Stopping Integration Server
2019-08-27T07:50:30.745Z Integration Server stopped
2019-08-27T07:50:30.745Z Stopping Queue Mgr
2019-08-27T07:50:30.745Z Queue Mgr stopped
2019-08-27T07:50:30.745Z Shutdown complete

You can see both formats of the command being processed, firstly the setdbparms::truststore resource and then the full command.

Are you able to provide your setdbparms.txt file (with passwords changed)?

gomezrjo commented 5 years ago

Hi @IBMRob I will run a test to confirm it is working. By the way, I was using the image from docker hub, so I wonder when the latest image will be push so I don't have to build the image myself?

IBMRob commented 5 years ago

The images only get updated on docker hub when we release new versions of App Connect Enterprise certified containers. There will be a new version of with the recent changes soon but no committed date.

I've also updated the description on docker hub to clarify that the images may not align with the code in master branch

IBMRob commented 5 years ago


haristanwir commented 4 years ago

Hi Rob, I was also getting the same issue on IBM CP4I deployment, i used the full mqsisetdbparms command, the other format didn't work for me

AbdullaElshourbagy commented 4 years ago

Hi Rob, I created the ace mq image and container. when the container created, it shut down

2020-07-25T19:17:50.820Z total 12 -rw-rw---- 1 mqm mqm 84 Jul 25 19:15 integration_server.ACESERVER.exceptionLog.txt -rw-r----- 1 mqm mqm 339 Jul 25 19:15 integration_server.ACESERVER.trace.0.txt -rw-r----- 1 mqm mqm 339 Jul 25 19:15 integration_server.ACESERVER.userTrace.0.txt 2020-07-25T19:17:50.820Z If you want to stop the container shutting down to enable retrieval of these files please set the environment variable "MQSI_PREVENT_CONTAINER_SHUTDOWN=true" 2020-07-25T19:17:50.820Z If you are running under kubernetes you will also need to disable the livenessProbe 2020-07-25T19:17:50.820Z Log checking complete 2020-07-25T19:17:50.820Z Shutdown complete

why container shutdown and how can i resolve it.

petervonh1 commented 3 years ago

Hi. Can any one assist me with a query relating to the above thread? I'm using ACE I'm trying to use mqsisetdbparms -w /home/aceuser/ace-server -n odbc::ESBDB -u xxx -p xxx in a setdbparms.txt file. When I start my container the log shows: 2020-10-05T12:08:22.429Z Processing configuration in folder setdbparms 2020-10-05T12:08:22.448Z+00:00 Handling setdbparms configuration 2020-10-05T12:08:22.452Z+00:00 setdbparms configuration complete This look to me like it hasn't processed my setdbparms statement in the setdbparms.txt file. This also seems to be confirmed by the output: sh-4.4$ mqsireportdbparms -w /home/aceuser/ace-server -n ESBDB -u xxx-p xxx BIP8208W: No resources found with resource name 'ESBDB'. mqsicvp looks correct: `sh-4.4$ mqsicvp -n ESBDB -u xxx -p xxx BIP8290I: Verification passed for the ODBC environment.

BIP8270I: Connected to Datasource 'ESBDB' as user 'XXX'. The datasource platform is 'Oracle', version '12.02.0000 Oracle'. ===========================`

Thanks in advance

sawantkaustubh20 commented 2 years ago

Hi Team,

How can we configure SFTP and SMTP Server on CP4I Integration Server without using Commands because when pod will restarts those commands need to be run automatically, if anyone can guide it will be helpful.