ota-meshi / typescript-eslint-parser-for-extra-files

An experimental ESLint custom parser for Vue, Svelte, and Astro for use with TypeScript. It provides type information in combination with each framework's ESLint custom parser.
MIT License
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VSCode ESLint service must be restarted for every new file #72

Open 6XGate opened 11 months ago

6XGate commented 11 months ago

Before You File a Bug Report Please Confirm You Have Done The Following...

What version of ESLint are you using?


What version of typescript-eslint-parser-for-extra-files are you using?

What did you do?

Configuration ```yml root: true extends: - eslint:recommended - plugin:import/recommended - plugin:import/typescript - plugin:@typescript-eslint/strict-type-checked - plugin:@typescript-eslint/stylistic-type-checked - plugin:vue/vue3-recommended - '@vue/eslint-config-typescript' - prettier plugins: - '@typescript-eslint' - prettier - vue parser: vue-eslint-parser parserOptions: project: ./tsconfig.json extraFileExtensions: [.vue] parser: js: espree ts: typescript-eslint-parser-for-extra-files vue: vue-eslint-parser settings: import/parsers: typescript-eslint-parser-for-extra-files: [.ts, .tsx, .cts, .mts] vue-eslint-parser: [.vue] import/extensions: - .js - .cjs - .mjs - .jsx - .ts - .cts - .mts - .tsx import/resolver: typescript: true node: true rules: # ECMAScript accessor-pairs: error eqeqeq: [error, always, { null: ignore }] new-cap: error new-parens: error no-caller: error no-eval: error no-extend-native: error no-extra-bind: error no-floating-decimal: error no-iterator: error no-label-var: error no-labels: error no-lone-blocks: error no-multi-str: error no-new: error no-new-func: error no-new-wrappers: error no-octal-escape: error no-proto: error no-return-assign: error no-self-compare: warn no-sequences: error no-template-curly-in-string: error no-undef-init: warn no-unmodified-loop-condition: error no-unneeded-ternary: error no-useless-call: error no-useless-computed-key: error no-useless-rename: error one-var: [error, never] yoda: [warn, never, { exceptRange: true }] # Prettier prettier/prettier: error # Import import/consistent-type-specifier-style: error import/default: off import/newline-after-import: error import/no-anonymous-default-export: error import/no-dynamic-require: error import/no-self-import: error import/no-useless-path-segments: error import/no-mutable-exports: error import/no-unused-modules: error import/no-amd: error import/order: - warn - groups: [builtin, external, parent, sibling, index, type] alphabetize: { order: asc } # TypeScript '@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-imports': error '@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-exports': error '@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars': [error, { argsIgnorePattern: ^_ }] "@typescript-eslint/prefer-readonly": error "@typescript-eslint/promise-function-async": error "@typescript-eslint/return-await": [error, always] # TypeScript complex rules "@typescript-eslint/require-array-sort-compare": - error - ignoreStringArrays: true "@typescript-eslint/strict-boolean-expressions": - error - allowString: false allowNumber: false allowNullableObject: false allowNullableBoolean: false allowNullableString: false allowNullableNumber: false allowAny: false # Vue vue/multi-word-component-names: off overrides: - files: ['*.js', '*.cjs', '*.mjs', '*.jsx'] extends: - plugin:@typescript-eslint/disable-type-checked - files: ['*.ts', '*.cts', '*.mts', '*.tsx'] rules: import/default: off - files: ['vite.config.ts'] parserOptions: project: tsconfig.node.json ```

What did you expect to happen?

No issues with IDE ESLint services.

What actually happened?

Every time a new file is added to a project, the ESLint service in VSCode must be restarted. Every new file triggers the following ESLint error:

`Parsing error: "parserOptions.programs" has been provided for @typescript-eslint/parser.
The file was not found in any of the provided program instance(s): ${relativePathOfFile}`

Link to GitHub Repo with Minimal Reproducible Example


Additional comments

This issue only occurs when files are added to the project.

kuoruan commented 9 months ago

I'm facing the same issue, can we watch the new file creating and restart the inner typescript-eslint instance?

ZerdoX-x commented 8 months ago

Can confirm the same issue in neovim which uses regular language servers. Just would like to know that it is not IDE specific.


kuoruan commented 8 months ago

The tsconfig.json and programs are required when you enable type check for vue files. So I fixed by disable type check for vue files: https://typescript-eslint.io/linting/typed-linting#how-can-i-disable-type-aware-linting-for-a-subset-of-files


6XGate commented 7 months ago

The tsconfig.json and programs are required when you enable type check for vue files. So I fixed by disable type check for vue files: https://typescript-eslint.io/linting/typed-linting#how-can-i-disable-type-aware-linting-for-a-subset-of-files


Not really desirable, but can see that working.