otac0n / WebGitNet

WebGit .NET is an ASP.NET MVC app that provides access to your git repositories over HTTP. It supports browsing in a web browser AND push / pull over Git's "Smart HTTP protocol".
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Move SharedLib to another repo #48

Closed svallory closed 11 years ago

svallory commented 11 years ago

I'm starting a project called WiGi. It's a C# Asp.Net MVC Wiki which uses Git for page history. So I can edit my Github wiki from VS and deploy the wiki to our servers. I'm going to use your WebGitNet.SharedLib to manage Git since, frankly, the a wrapper around git.exe seems easier and more reliable to use than GitSharp or libgit2sharp.

I was wondering if you could be kind enough to move the sharedlib project to another repository so my project (and hopefully others) can submodule it and contribute more easily.

otac0n commented 11 years ago

I was planning on moving away from my implementation towards NGit. I feel that my stuff is a little kludgy.

Fell free to nab it, for use in you own project, but I plan on moving away from it soon

svallory commented 11 years ago

I tried looking for documentation about NGit. It has none. The user guide (of JGit) is a joke and finding out how to use a library through javadocs is a pain. For those reasons I didn't give a try. Since I know how to use the git command line, using a wrapper seemed to be the obvious choice. After your message, I gave it a try and, thanks to Resharper, it wasn't so hard to figure it out.

I encapsulated the git access behind an interface, and I'm gonna give NGit a try and see how it goes. If it starts to be more trouble than help I'll switch back to the wrapper with command classes and let you know.

Btw, my new pet project is here: https://github.com/theblacksmith/WiGi