otalk / TLKSimpleWebRTC

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Problem when dismissing the View that is displaying the video #2

Closed BlaXun closed 9 years ago

BlaXun commented 9 years ago

Hi there,

I took your example and did some layouting without thouching the original code. In my App I now have a input field for a room name. Pressing a button will move to the view in which the video is shown. Everything is fine up to now...but, how would I CORRECTLY end the stream, close connection to the signaling server and then dismiss the view?

I tried this but I always get errors in a C Lib MediaStreamProxy ....its tryin to access something that does not exist anymore at this point.

Also, in RTCVideoRenderer.h the delegate is of "strong" type...is this intended? @property(nonatomic, strong) id delegate;

Edit: I think its bout the MediaStreams in the signalingServer ....I will try to manually remove the video and audio tracks from each stream before removing the view.

Still hope u guys can give me a hint here :)

pablogeek commented 7 years ago

@BlaXun I'm having the same problem, did you fix this?