otavepto / gbe_fork

Fork of https://gitlab.com/Mr_Goldberg/goldberg_emulator
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
191 stars 55 forks source link

Lies of P crashes in the latest goldberg release. #135

Closed DogancanYr closed 2 months ago

DogancanYr commented 2 months ago


otavepto commented 2 months ago

Please post a log with the overlay disabled, thanks in advance

DogancanYr commented 2 months ago

It worked when I used the delayers. I forgot about this... is it also possible to create delayers in the "-reldir" command?

DogancanYr commented 2 months ago

It's such a big update that I'm confused. :b <3 :b

otavepto commented 2 months ago

Uhh, I didn't fully understand what you mean by delayers in '-reldir' command. The hook delay could be set in steam_settings\configs.overlay.ini, or globally in %appdata%\GSE Saves\settings\configs.overlay.ini

-reldir is a switch for the gen_emu_config script, a really different thing. But nonetheless, I'm glad you figured it out 👍

DogancanYr commented 2 months ago

After all, it activates the interface and there is no delay part between the files, Instead of copying the data to steam_settings.EXAMPLE, it should come as default.

otavepto commented 2 months ago

I'll close this one since you figured out the problem 👍

DogancanYr commented 2 months ago

Ok, but can't you add delay functions to the '-reldir' command?

otavepto commented 2 months ago

The -reldir just forces the tool to use the current directory instead of the script path, it doesn't really generate or do anything else. You can always create a python script as a wrapper to call gen_emu_config and when it's finished add/create the customized settings afterwards. I'd encourage you to fork the repo and do the customization you prefer to the tool, it's a python script. I always encourage people to fork this and do their modifications and variations to their liking

DogancanYr commented 2 months ago

I messed up the code actually "-cve" . 🥲🥲🥲

DogancanYr commented 2 months ago

Sorry. 😭 Can't you do something now?

otavepto commented 2 months ago

Oh I got your point now, this is the code which you can modify https://github.com/otavepto/gbe_fork/blob/a89dfad0047682cf09e0c20bbd63c9def3a4bfd6/tools/generate_emu_config/generate_emu_config.py#L316-L321

You can add an extra line after disable_warning_any to add a hook delay by default, following the same syntax. I did this actually some time ago while testing and it broke many games so I reverted it, but you can of course do whatever you like when you fork it.

I'd recommend checking these steps: https://github.com/otavepto/gbe_fork?tab=readme-ov-file#using-github-ci-as-a-builder You'll be able to let Github do everything without having to setup anything really.