otaviocc / obsidian-microblog

Micro.publish is an Obsidian plugin to publish notes directly to Micro.blog, written in TypeScript.
MIT License
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Post Updates #9

Closed JPhilpin closed 5 months ago

JPhilpin commented 1 year ago

GREAT Plugin Otavio - has something changed? I sa there was an update in past 24 hours.

When I installed plugin - I could write and publish from Obsidian AND if I updated the words in Obsidian and republished - the original post updates.

For me it is now republishing the post as a new one

Could something I have done changed behavior? I cant find any obvious setting.

otaviocc commented 5 months ago

Version 2.0.0 introduced updating posts (and version 2.1.0 publishing and updating pages). This closes this issue. Thanks!