otaviojr / zigbee_light_sensor

Nordic nRF52840 - Zigbee Light Sensor
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Which nrf52 sdk version? #2

Open manvisdr opened 2 years ago

manvisdr commented 2 years ago

Which your sdk version to compile this? , I tried use latest and 3.2 still have error in zboss not found. Thanks

otaviojr commented 2 years ago


just to make sure, did you follow the README link?


I know that nordic is working on a new SDK that will use Zephyr if I'm not mistaken, I think they are calling it nRF Connect SDK, and, probably this code will not work with it. This code is based on the nRF5-SDK.

Are you using the right one?


manvisdr commented 2 years ago

yeah, i dont use zephyr, i use zigbee sdk from nordic page. I use old sdk version which is 3.2 version and still cant to compile and error in zboss. But i try in version 4.0.0 and succeed to compile.