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hide_handbook not working on buffer mark view #61

Open niamleeson opened 2 months ago

niamleeson commented 2 months ago

with hide_handbook set, the keymaps/cheatsheet is still shown on buffer level marks.

xzbdmw commented 2 months ago

There is new option that can hide buffer in nvim 0.10, will wait for official release.

niamleeson commented 2 months ago

I'm not talking about hiding buffers though. I'm talking about hiding the keymap cheatsheet

xzbdmw commented 2 months ago

cheat is also a buffer

niamleeson commented 2 months ago

??? The option to hide already works for the buffer switching window. The option doesn't work for the marks inside a buffer.

xzbdmw commented 2 months ago

The situation is different, in file ui the cheat is just several lines, while in mark ui it is a separate window so we need a option to hide that window until 0.10 release. All kepmaps are bind to that buffer so we can’t simply don’t open it at all.

niamleeson commented 2 months ago

Ah okay thank you for clarifying 🙂