otavioschwanck / arrow.nvim

Bookmark your files, separated by project, and quickly navigate through them.
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select item with letter keys as opposed to number keys #62

Closed chuan2984 closed 2 months ago

chuan2984 commented 2 months ago

really like the plugin so far, is there a way to change the binding for selecting the changed items? like i would want to use keys on the home-row instead of number keys.


AlgusDark commented 2 months ago

It is possible to do this with the following option:

index_keys = "123456789zxcbnmZXVBNM,afghjklAFGHJKLwrtyuiopWRTYUIOP",

For example, you can do the following for the home row:

index_keys = "asdfjkl;"
chuan2984 commented 2 months ago

It is possible to do this with the following option:

index_keys = "123456789zxcbnmZXVBNM,afghjklAFGHJKLwrtyuiopWRTYUIOP",

For example, you can do the following for the home row:

index_keys = "asdfjkl;"

thank you!