otetard / ownpad

Ownpad is a Nextcloud application that allows to create and open Etherpad and Ethercalc documents.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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keep this module avalaible for Nextcloud versions 26.* #122

Closed rodinux closed 10 months ago

rodinux commented 1 year ago

Hello, thanks for this module very useful. Does it will be maintained in Nextcloud version 26 ? I have upgraded my instance to 26.0.2 and don't know if I could take the risk to activate the module...

rodinux commented 1 year ago

Ok, I have take the risk to activate the module... so it works, nice ! Not all as excepted, when I open a file .pad, the window is not full screen, it is cut by the nextcloud navigation column of the directory. But if I click on close the navigation icon on the left top of the pad, it close the nextcloud navigation column, and I can see the pad... Very strange because I imagine this icon is here to close the navigation column of the pad, isn't it ? no it is not... Ok, I realize it is due to a new css on Nextcloud 26 with a button to hide the left navigation column, this button is not from etherpad window... Perhaps adding a css rule will match ? something like

.app-navigation__content {
otetard commented 10 months ago

I’ve just published a v0.8.0 version that add support for Nextcloud 25 to 28. This version also make use of the Files Viewer application to open “pad” files.

Please let me know if you encounter any issue with this new version!