otfried / ipe

The Ipe extensible drawing editor
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Symbol snap points are not scaled with the symbol #486

Closed LenAgain closed 8 months ago

LenAgain commented 8 months ago

I have a stylesheet full of circuit symbols, for example this resistor:

<symbol name="resistor (spx)" snap="-20 0 20 0 0 0">
            <!-- Left arm -->
            <path stroke="sym-stroke" pen="sym-pen" cap="2">
                -20 0 m
                -12 0 l
                -11 2 l
            <!-- Zigzag -->
            <path stroke="sym-stroke" pen="sym-pen" join="2">
                -11  2 m
                -10  4 l
                 -6 -4 l
                 -2  4 l
                  2 -4 l
                  6  4 l
                 10 -4 l
                 11 -2 l
            <!-- Right arm -->
            <path stroke="sym-stroke" pen="sym-pen" cap="2">
                11 -2 m
                12  0 l
                20  0 l

When I insert this symbol and scale it using the symbol size dropdown, the symbol itself is scaled but the snap points are left floating where they were initially.

Is this simply an oversight or is there a reason the snap points can't be scaled as well?

otfried commented 8 months ago

That's a bug. Fixed in 7.2.29.