otfried / ipe

The Ipe extensible drawing editor
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affine scaling of line and arrow #488

Closed MasahiroMae closed 8 months ago

MasahiroMae commented 8 months ago

Is it possible to affine scale line and arrow? When I scale the line and arrow smaller by "stretch objects [E]", the line width doesn't change and the arrow size is still large. Is there any solution other than just manually changing the line width and arrow size by option?

otfried commented 8 months ago

No, this is a design decision of Ipe.

Why do you want to do this? Can you explain your use case?

MasahiroMae commented 8 months ago

I understand the design decision of Ipe. The use case when I need the affine scale of the arrow is for smaller size than tiny.

otfried commented 8 months ago

So again what you really want is your own style sheet. The standard one defines three arrow sizes:

<arrowsize name="small" value="5"/>
<arrowsize name="tiny" value="3"/>
<arrowsize name="large" value="10"/>

You can add as many as you want.