othermod / PSPi-Version-6

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Status on the Zero 2W (64-bit) RetroPie Image and modding lessons #11

Open besttest-creator opened 10 months ago

besttest-creator commented 10 months ago

I recently started a build and everything went really smoothly on the hardware-side for PSPi 6! Greatly appreciate the effort. Furthermore the PSP-1004 Version took the modifications very good so far.

If you are ordering parts on your own. Pay attention to the mini-USB on the mainboard when leaving soldering entirely to the manufacturer. JLC left quite a small space between the pcb and the panel, so the USB was slightly tilted upward after part placement and soldering.

Furthermore the small contacting pins and there target-plates for the headphone board were out of stock almost everywhere and not a lot of affordable alternatives, so i learned these pins are a little painful to solder manually. Thankfully it worked without needing to add the targets (1548-0-57-15-00-00-03-0) regarding the height up to the mainboard so far.

Since the target plates from the original manufacturer would also have been quite expensive and added around 4$ to the build this could be a potential save and improvement for a future build. Maybe there is potential to even extend the SD-Card from the Pi to the headphone-board, this way assessing Pi Zero's SD's would also be more comfortable.

Even though I quite like the tidy style with the brass rods, it adds to the mod.

Regarding the contact to the rubber joystick pad with the Plated Beads I figured that applying light pressure with tongs, to push the beads very slightly into the contacting holes of the pCB will make the placement of the rubber and overall mounting much more convenient. The joystick so far did not show any noticeable contacting issues.

The max battery size is 53mm x 37mm x 10mm (hxwxd) and the links on the /boards page for the PSP Barrel and Headphone Jack might be not the cheapest (anymore).

Where I'm currently stuck: I did go for a build with the new Zero 2W at x64 and the Raspi OS Image is working quite nice in terms of overall function.

It seems that the RetroPi Image intended for the Zero (32bit) does at least boot into emulation station with the Zero 2W (64bit) but from there on the build appears to get quite unresponsive to every input, the Roms do at least get recognized and Emulation Station seems to "run" (and furthermore can still be exited via console) games could not be started due to lack of input capabilities.

The second attempt was to manually install the the Retropi to the working Raspi OS -> https://retropie.org.uk/docs/Manual-Installation/. This seems to work with retropie_setup until it freezes repeatable at the part of "Touch" installation. I had to wipe the SD afterwards, the Raspi OS was still booting but something seemed to be eating at the performance.

I know there are are probably a few topics right now, would it be possible to estimate if/when the RetroPi Zero 2W (64bit) Image will be available. I have to admit my skills with the Raspberry operating systems only extend this far.

Even a hint would be appreciated. Thank you very much


othermod commented 10 months ago

I just uploaded a new 32bit image for RetroPie with all the newest drivers. This should help with the lack of response that was caused by updates to the firmware. https://drive.proton.me/urls/04X9SX1KG8#zOBARZruUlqs

64bit is in the works, but itll take a while because i have to rewrite some very complex drivers from scratch

besttest-creator commented 10 months ago

I just finished testing with the new image for the Zero 2W you provided. Everything works flawless as far as i have been able to test.

Best regards besttest