othermod / PSPi-Version-6

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Add Packer image builds #18

Closed CoryManson closed 4 months ago

CoryManson commented 6 months ago

Still WIP

Example github action running: https://github.com/CoryManson/PSPi-Version-6/actions/runs/7582462967


CoryManson commented 6 months ago

If this ever gets merged, please squash merge :)

CoryManson commented 5 months ago

Have progressed about as far as I can without some input on exactly how the images are being built. Lakka has similar complications as Batocera.

Seems to require an initialization build on hardware which is fine, tried only uploading config.txt & overlays (same as batocera) which allows it to boot on hardware but the /storage partition isn't showing on a 2nd build.

Tried using the Lakka image from proton drive & it does boot and mount /storage correctly. Unsure why the packer built image won't.

Have been unable to run shell scripts so far on Batocera & Lakka with chroot, have only been able to upload files to those images which is enough for Batocera but maybe not for Lakka.

othermod commented 5 months ago

I'll look into this soon. Just juggling too many things over the next couple days.