othermod / PSPi-Version-6

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Current status of Batocera #7

Open MakeOrBreakSociety opened 9 months ago

MakeOrBreakSociety commented 9 months ago

Raspberry Pi Zero: NOT ZERO 2!

Works: display OSD Sound Shutdown switch headphones

Not working: Volume control from game pad

File locations: config.txt to root mono.dtbo to /overlays main to /userdata/drivers osd to /userdata/drivers gamepad to /userdata/drivers custom_startup.sh to /userdata custom.sh to /userdata/system

Be sure to: chmod +x /userdata/custom_startup.sh chmod +x /userdata/system/custom.sh

Batocera Pi zero files.zip

MakeOrBreakSociety commented 9 months ago

Headphone Problem was being caused by my solder blobs. working correctly now that the headphone board is soldered to the main board.

Still having no luck with the Zero 2 but I suspect it's lack of 64bit drivers that's causing problems. It's same problem with Lakka so far