othrayte / docker-cc-amp

Dockerfile for a container that installs and starts the Application Management Panel from CubeCoders.com
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Running ARK instance on UnRaid #5

Closed HurchelYoung closed 7 years ago

HurchelYoung commented 7 years ago

I appear to be having trouble starting steamcmd. There are a few other dockers out there running steamcmd on a Jessie image and your image appears to have all of the libraries needed and the environment appears to be able to support it so I am at a bit of a loss on how to proceed at the moment. I know this docker was initially focused on Minecraft so I'm wondering if you have ever successfully started an ark instance. Thanks in advance for your help.

ARK Instance log: [15:42:51] [WebMethods:Core Activity] : Starting the application. [15:42:51] [ModuleShared:Core Debug] : Starting process ./arkSE/steamcmd.sh [15:42:51] [ModuleShared:Core Debug] : Working Directory: ./arkSE/ [15:42:51] [ModuleShared:Core Debug] : Sensitive arguments, not logging. [15:42:51] [ModuleShared:Core Debug] : Using Linux buffer fix. [15:42:52] [ModuleShared:Core Debug] : Starting process /bin/ps [15:42:52] [ModuleShared:Core Debug] : Working Directory: /ampdata/instances/ARK1 [15:42:52] [ModuleShared:Core Debug] : Arguments: h --ppid 82 -o pid,command [15:42:52] [steamcmdplugin:Core Warning] : /ampdata/instances/ARK1/arkSE/steamcmd.sh: line 29: /ampdata/instances/ARK1/arkSE/linux32/steamcmd: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error [15:42:52] [ARKModule:Core Warning] : ARK:SE is not installed!

HurchelYoung commented 7 years ago

I haven't revisited this to see if it is still valid but since this is super old at this point and there is a seperate branch for unraid I'm just closing it.