othree / es.next.syntax.vim

ES.Next syntax for Vim
MIT License
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Add support for the latest Babel proposals #18

Closed rishitank closed 5 years ago

rishitank commented 5 years ago

Hi, this plugin is amazing and crucial for those of us working with bleeding-edge JavaScript, thank you! I would also like to suggest adding syntax support for more recent Babel proposals as found here https://github.com/babel/proposals including support for optional chaining, for example, to distinguish with other uses of the ? operator such as with https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator

Perhaps support for these are already underway or planned for the future, however it would be greatly appreciated if this plugin supported more ES7/ES8+ syntax for those of us who like to live in the future, keep up the good work!