othree / yajs.vim

YAJS.vim: Yet Another JavaScript Syntax for Vim
Vim License
688 stars 41 forks source link

Add comparison to `pangloss/vim-javascript` to Readme #172

Open darcyparker opened 6 years ago

darcyparker commented 6 years ago

https://github.com/othree/yajs.vim#differences-from-jeleravim-javascript-syntax compares yajs.vim to jelera/vim-javascript-syntax. I use pangloss/vim-javascript and in my observations, it is more popular than jelera/vim-javascript-syntax. (Compare stars).

I just learned about yajs and would like to see it compared to pangloss/vim-javascript.

vyorkin commented 4 years ago

It would be great if someone could add a few comments based on their own experience.

jacks0n commented 4 years ago

I was wondering the same thing myself, and did a quick comparison with ES6 and JSX files. Functionality and performance wise, I couldn't tell any difference. The colours were very different (same theme), it appears the plugins use different highlight groups:

Some examples: JS Item pangloss/vim-javascript othree/yajs.vim
object key jsObjectKey javascriptObjectLabel
object curly bracket jsObjectBraces javascriptBraces
window jsGlobalObjects javascriptBOMWindowProp
Doc param name jsDocParam javascriptDocParamName
'const' keyword jsStorageClass javascriptVariable
window.oopen jsFuncCall javascriptDOMDocMethod