Closed Thaodan closed 8 years ago
OK, if the menu page opens, go to Basemaps and try a different tile source, see if something else would load. Also, check that you have positioning enabled in the general Sailfish preferences.
If those don't help, I'd probably need to see console output. Try something like
sailfish-qml harbour-poor-maps > poor-maps.log 2>> poor-maps.log
at a terminal and copy the log file here.
Also, see if zooming out works (pinch-zoom) -- do you see a change in the scalebar or do tiles appear? If positioning is off, your map could be centered in some weird place where tiles don't load.
Zooming, everything of the map is now visible.
OK, then I just need to handle the first startup with no positioning data available better -- basically minimum zoom level centered somewhere around Europe should be good.
Gui is weird when running on FP2.
Ask if I can help to fix this.