ottconnect / Legion

Legion 7.2.5 24461 ( bug tracker and c++ updates)
12 stars 3 forks source link

Survival Hunter #104

Open elzzid opened 6 years ago

elzzid commented 6 years ago

C:\Users\emale\Desktop\DevApexTeamEmu7.2.5-24461-\src\server\game\Spells\Spell.cpp:1218 in Spell::SelectImplicitAreaTargets ASSERTION FAILED: false && "Spell::SelectImplicitAreaTargets: received not implemented target reference type" Restarted 17:56 at 07/29/2017

Received this error when trying to kill a murloc in Redridge. Was on a Survival Hunter, and it happened twice. In both instances it crashed the world server just as the murloc was about to die (had a sliver of health and was running away). Did not occur when I switched to Beast Mastery.

ottconnect commented 6 years ago

Need more info on this, what spell did you use that might of caused this crash ?

can you reproce this issue and post the logs located in the Logs/World folder in your repack folder i need this information and also need the file in the crash folder at the top of the repack folder.


elzzid commented 6 years ago

Sorry for the delayed response, had a bit of a HDD issue... unfortunately that means I can't get the log and it's going to be some time before I can attempt to reproduce the problem. However, I was attacking with Raptor Strike.

LeRutY commented 6 years ago

WoWCrash commented 6 years ago

I've seen reports of this issue being caused by Mongoose Bite. From what I have learned it has to do with how SetImplicitAreaTargets was coded.

ottconnect commented 6 years ago

spells are being worked on over 25000 lines of coding have been added and more test will have to be done and more work on the spell folder in the code code and spell scripts needs to be fixed to which i've been doing very hard work on, soon i'll update with more sell fix.

thanks for your patient at this time

ottconnect commented 6 years ago

I'm going to be releasing a core and database soon it might also be caused by some spell script name not bring assigned to the database, also the process of the spell system changed major that new test will need to be updated on this post only about the same issues