ottconnect / Legion

Legion 7.2.5 24461 ( bug tracker and c++ updates)
12 stars 3 forks source link

Warlock's Immortal Specialization Fix #137

Closed buenodart closed 6 years ago

buenodart commented 6 years ago

@ottconnect Hey brow! Follow the link for the warlock problem with absorb damage:

From the table World:

DELETE FROM spell_script_names WHERE ScriptName='spell_warl_chaotic_energies'; INSERT INTO spell_script_names (spell_id,ScriptName) VALUES (77220,'spell_warl_chaotic_energies');

From the spell_warlock.cpp

// 77220 - Mastery: Chaotic Energies class spell_warl_chaotic_energies : public AuraScript { PrepareAuraScript(spell_warl_chaotic_energies);

void HandleAbsorb(AuraEffect* /*aurEff*/, DamageInfo& dmgInfo, uint32& absorbAmount)
    AuraEffect const* effect1 = GetEffect(EFFECT_1);
    if (!effect1 || !GetTargetApplication()->HasEffect(EFFECT_1))

    // You take ${$s2/3}% reduced damage
    float damageReductionPct = float(effect1->GetAmount()) / 3;
    // plus a random amount of up to ${$s2/3}% additional reduced damage
    damageReductionPct += frand(0.0f, damageReductionPct);

    absorbAmount = CalculatePct(dmgInfo.GetDamage(), damageReductionPct);

void Register() override
    OnEffectAbsorb += AuraEffectAbsorbFn(spell_warl_chaotic_energies::HandleAbsorb, EFFECT_2);


void AddSC_warlock_spell_scripts() { new spell_warl_bane_of_doom(); new spell_warl_banish(); + RegisterAuraScript(spell_warl_chaotic_energies); new spell_warl_conflagrate(); new spell_warl_create_healthstone(); new spell_warl_demonic_circle_summon();

ottconnect commented 6 years ago

issues have been added to the core version