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ALL monk bugs #84

Open Murler opened 10 years ago

Murler commented 10 years ago

Here we go, wall o' text incoming

This is for database 1.8.6


<.P> = Passive Ability (W) = Working as intended (B) = Bugged; but works somewhat; read notes (D) = Dead; does not work at all (X) = Crashes server (U) = Not testable (due to another ability/person broken/missing required to test) (M) = Missing (aka not in game) (Unk) = Unknown (aka I missed this spell while testing)

Example: (B) :


(W)(B) Stance of the Fierce Tiger : Could be bugged? Causes 1 extra chi to be generated from jabs, but it could be the cause why 4+ are generated, not sure. :/ (B) Jab : Generates 4 chi instead of 1 (or 2 for WindWalkers) (M)<.P> Way of the monk (B) Tiger Palm : Consumes 4 chi instead of 1 (or 0 for BrewMasters) (D) Roll (B) Blackout Kick : Dealing incorrect damage; Costs 4 chi instead of 2 (D) Provoke (U) Resuscitate (B) Detox : Heals as much as expel harm, triggers detox emote + expel harm emote (D) Zen Pilgrimage/ Zen Pilgrimage: Return (D)(B) Legacy of the Emperor : Consumes energy, does not apply aura (D)(B) Touch of Death : Consumes 4 chi instead of 3, does not do any damage (D)<.P> Swift Reflexes (D) Fortifying Brew (B) Expel Harm : Triggers Flying Serpent Kick though shouldn't, double healing effect (22K, and correct amount triggered) (W) Disable (W) Nimble Brew (B) Spear Hand Strike : Applied correctly, only issue is effect does not show on target (W) Paralysis (B) Spinning crane kick : Does not generate any chi when hitting 3+ targets (B) Crackling Jade Lightning : This one is an odd one, does damage as Windwalker, but not in any other spec, also sometimes glitches and does not end casting until death of target; Does not generate chi; Does not consume correct amount of energy/mana (X) Healing Sphere (W) Grapple Weapon (W) Zen Meditation (D) Transcendence / Transcendence: Transfer


(D)(B)<.P> Celerity : Bugs Roll so it cannot even be triggered. (W) Tiger's Lust (B)<.P> Momentum : Does not trigger when roll/chi torpedo is activated, instead activates to certain abilities (no i do not remember which ones) (D) Chi wave (B) Zen Sphere : Heals as intended, does not activate Zen Sphere: Detonate (D) Chi Burst (D)<.P> Power Strikes (D)(Read note)<.P> Ascension : I honestly don't know about this one, it could have increased the amount of chi stored, but the UI didn't update :/ (B/W) Chi Brew : Generates correct amount of chi, but does not generate the brew for any spec. Could the brews be missing from the game, or is Chi Brew just not generating them? (X) Ring of Peace (X) Charging Ox Wave (W) Leg sweep (Unk)<.P> Healing Elixirs : Forgot to test this one, i'm pretty sure its working last i checked (D)(B) Dampen Harm : Once attacked the effect is removed, no damage is reduced :( (W) Diffuse Magic (D)(B) Rushing Jade Wind : This is another odd one, it just doesn't trigger at all and casts spinning crane kick instead. Could it be missing from the game? (W) Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger (D) Chi Torpedo


(B)(W) Fists of Fury : Only bug is the hitting animation (on the target) is still going after fists of fury has ended (W)<.P> Tiger Strikes (W)<.P> Dual Wield (D)<.P> Combo Breaker (B) Flying Serpent Kick : Speed not increased, does not damage targets it you run through, effect is not applied to targets you run through, cannot be canceled (though when you try, the emote is ended, but you are still moving, and the effect is still running) (D)<.P> Combat Conditioning (B) Touch of Karma : Applies effect, but damage dealt is not added to the effect, so its useless, but not dead (D)<.P> Afterlife (W) Energizing Brew (D)<.P> Sparring (B)<.P> Adaption : Does not trigger at correct moment (triggers when attacked by spells) (X) Spinning Fire Blossom (Unk)<.P> Leather Specialization : was too lazy to test, assuming working (B) Rising Sun Kick : Consumes 4 chi instead of 2; does not apply enhanced damage debuff (U) TigerEye Brew (D)<.P> Brewing: TigerEye Brew (B) Storm, Earth, and Fire : Applies debuff with 0% damage reduction, copy is not sent out (U)<.P> Mastery: Bottled Fury (W) Legacy of the White Tiger

SIDE NOTES: Auto attacks do damage in yellow, aka ability power, when attacking a target with another enemy near it. Auto attacks hit all targets in range with ability power.


(B) Stance of the Sturdy Ox : You are taken out of stance when taking melee damage, Stamina not increased by correct amount (my health was increased by about 400 hp), energy regeneration not increased, stagger not working, crit % decrease is not testable (W) Dizzying Haze (W)<.P> Dual Wield (D)<.P> Vengeance (B) Keg Smash : Does not generate chi, does not apply dizzying haze (D) Clash (W) Breath of Fire (W) Guard : Working perfectly! :) (D)<.P> BrewMaster Training : 0/4 abilities working (U) Elusive Brew (D)<.P> Brewing: Elusive Brew (D)<.P> Desperate Measures (U) Avert Harm (Unk)<.P> Leather Specialization (U) Summon Black Ox Statue (U) Purifying Brew (U)<.P> Mastery: Elusive Brawler


(U) Stance of the Wise Serpent : assuming working, changes energy to mana (B) Soothing Mist : Does not channel mana down (W)<.P> Tiger Strikes (B)<.P> Mana Meditation : Increases mana regeneration in combat by A LOT. I don't know the exact % (D) Enveloping Mist : Does not heal, consumes 4 chi instead of 3, consumes ALL mana (W)<.P> Internal Medicine (D)<.P> Muscle Memory (B) Surging Mist : Does not heal (D)<.P> Teachings of the Monastery : 0/4 abilities working (B) Renewing Mist : Heals instantly once instead of HoT effect. (so no mist traveling) (B)<.P> Demateralize : Triggers on damage and magical effects instead of stuns (B) Life Cocoon : Enhances healing by cocoon damage absorb (so if it was absorbing 5000 damage, the healing is increased by 5000%), absorbs all damage instead of only DoTs (Unk) Leather Specialization (U) Mana Tea (D)<.P> Brewing: Mana Tea (U) Uplift (U)(B) Thunder Focus Tea : Is activated but doesn't trigger when surging mist is used, probably because that ability is bugged to shit but who knows? (B) Summon Jade Serpent Statue : Does not work. Places statue but statue does not provide an extra stream of soothing mist, nor heals allies for damage done to enemies. Would mark as dead but is a nice little dummy that the NPCs attacked while I tested other abilities. (D) Mastery: Gift of the Serpent

SIDE NOTES: Most spells set your mana to 24K, then reset it back to the incorrect amount of mana, 302K (which should be 300K on the dot). Some don't set it back to the cap. Also, while I was spamming surging mist, it consumed a lot of mana and my mana would go down lower and lower, but bug back to the cap, so... I would surging mist once, and my mana, for a split second, would show as 280K, then back to 302K, then again, so lower now, 260K flash, then back to 302K, and so on and so forth. I think its a UI bug.


(W)orking): 20/101 / 19.8% of CONFIRMED working abilities ([b]B[/b])ugged): 31/101 / 30.69% of bugged/broken abilities (D)ead): 31/101 / 30.69% of useless abilities (X) Server Crasher) 4/101 / 3.96% of server crashing abilities (U)n-testable) 12/101 / 11.88%[ of abilities unable to be tested (M)issing) 1/101 / 0.99% of missing abilities (Unk)nown) 4/101 / 3.96% of skipped/untested abilities

Conclusion: Thank you for the hard work guys! Keep it up! Just thought i'd submit this for ya, because monk is my favorite class :) This took over 4 hours to test, and submit this massive bug report. I'd be glad to do more testing on other classes/gear/areas if you request.