otti358 / mtga-launcher

Simple Magic The Gathering Arena Launcher for Linux
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NVIDIA GPU Acceleration #7

Closed gustrd closed 7 months ago

gustrd commented 7 months ago

Nice project! Works very well.

Do you know how can I enable nvidia GPU acceleration when running the internal wine?

I'm just using my integrated GPU.

Any ideas about this?

gustrd commented 7 months ago

I could make it work, registering to anyone that find the same problem in the future, including myself:

(Observation: tested at Debian 12.)

1- Install Bumblebee:

2- Create config folder:

sudo touch /etc/bumblebee/xorg.conf.d/10-dummy.conf && sudo systemctl restart bumblebeed.service

3- Install "mouse":

sudo apt install xserver-xorg-input-mouse

4 - Restart the machine.

5 - Find bus code:

lspci | egrep 'VGA|3D'

6 - Insert BusID code into config file:

sudo nano /etc/bumblebee/xorg.conf.nvidia

7 - run the launcher with optirun:

optirun ./mtga-launcher

I hope it helps someone!

gustrd commented 7 months ago
