otto-de / api-guidelines

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[new rule] producers must specify order guarantee in AsyncAPI spec #19

Open BirgitBader opened 1 year ago

BirgitBader commented 1 year ago

(i) This issue has been manually transferred from a former internal repository, as a private repository issue cannot be transferred to a public repository.


If the producer guarantees that messages are not sent out-of-order, consumers can more easily consume topics.

This ticket explores if this needs to be part of the contract between the producer and consumer (i.e. AsyncAPI spec).

BirgitBader commented 1 year ago

Comment history

Mar 16, 2022 by @thake

If this should be documented in AsyncAPI, it may be better to call it x-deliveryGuarantees which is an array of DeliveryGuarantees. A DeliveryGuarantee is one of these: in-order, no-duplicates. This leaves it open to extensions.

Mar 16, 2022 by @thake

@otto-ec/async-group How is this currently handled? Is there a way that producers specify if they are making sure that events are sent to the queue/topc in order? Does this seem to you like a reasonable thing to document in the contract?

Mar 16, 2022 by @maxedenharter0507

For SNS/SQS based APIs: Standard SNS and SQS does not keep the order of events. For that usecase there is FIFO SNS/SQS which is not compatible with standard SNS/SQS. AFAIK there is no bigger producer which uses FIFO SNS/SQS for public/external APIs. Because of that i think no producer is able to keep the order of events.

Mar 16, 2022 by @thake

With kafka this would be possible using the idempotent producer feature:

Mar 17, 2022 by @slinstaedt

What scope of order are we talking about? Kafka guarantees strict FIFO on a partition and therefore also on message key basis, which is enough to guarantee happens-before relation for important transactional units like aggregates, given the producer is also serializing command processing for these units, which is desirable even without kafka. Global message ordering is a different beast though and is hard to archive without killing scaling capabilities.

Mar 18, 2022 by @thake

I'm just talking about ordering guarantees on a partition basis, but again this depends on the chosen transport. Kafka only guarantees strict FIFO on partitions if the producer is configured to be idempotent (see Right now I'm leaning towards not including a rule for this for the MVP guidelines.

Mar 18, 2022 by @slinstaedt

Sorry, of course strict FIFO only for idempotent configured consumers. I leaning in the same direction. If domain event processing in-order or with no-duplicates are mandatory, because for the event's domain out-of-order or duplicates processed events make a reasonable difference, providers should provide capabilities that enable consumers to implement something in this regard themselves. A sequence number could help to do so.

Mar 25, 2022 by @thake

We agreed to specify order guarantees in the AsyncAPI spec. The rule needs to explain why order-guarantees are hard. Best Practice: Should monitor dropped events.

Mar 30, 2022 by @thake

Currently put on hold because I need a sparring partner to discuss the nitty details of this rule even more. As this is not part of the MVP, it is put on pause.

Mar 30, 2022 by @thake

Already produced content can be found in branch