ottomated / turtle-gambit

[OLD] code to connect to minecraft turtles
234 stars 64 forks source link

Potential improvements (If you plan to add more) #5

Open derrickmehaffy opened 3 years ago

derrickmehaffy commented 3 years ago

Instead of the world.json, which will quickly get out of control) I'd suggest moving to something like Redis as an in-memory database for the world data. Given if you are on Windows, this will have to be run by something like WSL, but if you are a linux/mac user there are packages.


Have the root lib code build or run a dev version of the frontend and fire it all up with one command. Or build the websocket/turtle management into a single application.

Thanks for the awesome start to the code :heart: Probably gonna fork this and make a few adjustments of my own.