ottomated / turtle-gambit

[OLD] code to connect to minecraft turtles
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Turtle Not Connecting #50

Open Vararg97 opened 2 years ago

Vararg97 commented 2 years ago

The turtle wont connect to the gui, although everything seems to have gone correctly. Any help?

Vararg97 commented 2 years ago

Allow me to elaborate, I was in a rush. I start yarn in both front and back end and a gray screen comes up. Then I start ngrok and create a pastebin with the ngrok link. I copy the code into the turtle and reboot. The turtle says that it is sleeping and I cant type, but nothing comes up in the control panel. I think it might be my type of turtle, but I cant seem to find this "crafty mining turtle" that they speak of in issue #40. Instead I am using a regular mining turtle. Anything else I am missing to make this not work?

Vararg97 commented 2 years ago

UPDATE: I found the mining crafty turtle, but it still doesn't work.