ottopaulsen / node-red-contrib-power-saver

A Node-RED node to saver money by turning off when the power is most expensive
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Feature request: Feed In Priority #168

Open WilLlLli opened 1 year ago

WilLlLli commented 1 year ago

Don't know if this is the right place for a feature request.

I'm already using PS lowest price nodes for charging and discharging my home battery from and to the grid. This works flawlessly. In summer time however, the solar production during sunny days is so high that the battery is charged already before noon. This leaves the greater part of the day for the solar energy to be injected in to the grid, very often at very low or even negative prices (while during the charging period the energy prices are often much higher).

My inverter has the possibility to run in so called "Feed In Priority mode (FIP)". In this mode, the excess energy is not stored in the battery but is injected into the grid. What I would like to build is a logic that puts the inverter in FIP mode as from sunrise up to a given moment during the day. From this moment on, the battery is put back in "auto" mode and charging the battery with excess solar power should start again.

To make this optimisation I would need to make a combination of a PS lowest price node with the expected energy output per hour for my solar array from Can this be achieved using the existing PS nodes or should a new node be created for this purpose?