Verified that all ltdb variables that are affected by inflation adjustment are included in inflate_cols and the named strings match data from ltdb column of variables.csv. Function file data/, line 494. I have checked every row of variables.csv file. There are no new variables for inflation adjustment. There are 8 variables that are affected by inflation adjustment.
Copied similar logic from ltdb inflate_cols into "store_ncdb" function definition. Use data from ncdb column in variables.csv. In data/, see lines 678 - 701. Only 3 rows related to inflation adjustment have named strings in ncdb column. I am not sure if this logic works as desired. I added a definition for year, which is used in the last 2 lines.
Corrected several typos in documentation string part of ("dataframe" and "instantiation")
Ready for your review of PR for Issue #59.
Verified that all ltdb variables that are affected by inflation adjustment are included in inflate_cols and the named strings match data from ltdb column of variables.csv. Function file data/, line 494. I have checked every row of variables.csv file. There are no new variables for inflation adjustment. There are 8 variables that are affected by inflation adjustment.
Copied similar logic from ltdb inflate_cols into "store_ncdb" function definition. Use data from ncdb column in variables.csv. In data/, see lines 678 - 701. Only 3 rows related to inflation adjustment have named strings in ncdb column. I am not sure if this logic works as desired. I added a definition for year, which is used in the last 2 lines.
Corrected several typos in documentation string part of ("dataframe" and "instantiation")
Thank you! Jennifer Yoon