otwstephanie / otwarchive3

Clone of OTWarchive, for merge testing
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Fandom tag not showing up on stories #392

Closed otwstephanie closed 10 years ago

otwstephanie commented 10 years ago

From dod...@yahoo.com on September 17, 2008 19:21:49

What archive revision are you testing on? R733 Two users are reporting stories showing up without a fandom tag attached http:// archiveofourown.org/en/works/290 and http://archiveofourown.org/en/works/238 . They both seem to be 'Daria' stories.

Original issue: http://code.google.com/p/otwarchive/issues/detail?id=392

otwstephanie commented 10 years ago

From dod...@yahoo.com on September 17, 2008 17:31:15

Owner: ---

otwstephanie commented 10 years ago

From dod...@yahoo.com on September 17, 2008 17:53:10

Another user has reported 'fandom' tag not holding when posting a story

Summary: fandom not showing up on stories

otwstephanie commented 10 years ago

From Black0Sa...@gmail.com on September 18, 2008 01:52:08

Labels: Roadmap-Tag Roadmap-Work

otwstephanie commented 10 years ago

From Black0Sa...@gmail.com on September 18, 2008 08:46:16

Hi Elz

I have a feeling you're working on this and given it's critical I'd be happier if someone owns it - if you're not the right person can you find it a home?

Cheers, Samvara

Summary: Fandom tag not showing up on stories
Status: Accepted
Owner: elzj78
Labels: -Roadmap-Work Component-Application Milestone-Beta

otwstephanie commented 10 years ago

From elz...@gmail.com on September 18, 2008 09:01:43

Okay, working on it!

otwstephanie commented 10 years ago

From elz...@gmail.com on September 19, 2008 07:32:42

The problem seems to be that once a tag has been used in one category, it can't be used in another. So if you try to enter what the database sees as a character or freeform tag as your fandom, it doesn't know what to do with it. We're working on redesigning the system right now to make that less annoying. In the meantime, you shouldn't be able to post a story without a fandom - can anyone test that out?

Status: Started

otwstephanie commented 10 years ago

From hele...@gmail.com on September 19, 2008 08:00:13

I've tried it. It doesn't let you preview at all if you haven't filled the fandom field. A little red "Must be present." appears under the fandom box. I've tried making the story part of a series, a chaptered story, and only visible to registered users, and it doesn't change a thing. (Observation: Perhaps the form's reaction to any required field left blank ought to be consistent across the board? This way seems better than the way it reacts to not filling the warning field)

otwstephanie commented 10 years ago

From elz...@gmail.com on September 20, 2008 06:25:42

Should be completely fixed now, even if you're using tag that had been previously created in another category. To test: someone try posting a story with 'CSI: Las Vegas' as the fandom on the testarchive site.

Status: FixedButUnverified

otwstephanie commented 10 years ago

From sivuli...@gmail.com on September 20, 2008 06:53:58

I posted a work to testarchive with CSI: Las Vegas as a fandom as well as a work with two randomly picked tags that had already been used (as character and freeform tag) as fandoms, and they are correctly listed.

Changing to FixedAndVerified! Yay!

Status: FixedAndVerified

otwstephanie commented 10 years ago

From Black0Sa...@gmail.com on February 24, 2009 17:43:02

Updating status options

Status: DeployedToBeta

otwstephanie commented 10 years ago

From Black0Sa...@gmail.com on February 24, 2009 19:22:50

Updating status on discussion with Jennifew and Sidra

Status: VerifiedOnBeta

otwstephanie commented 10 years ago

From autu...@gmail.com on November 13, 2010 14:13:05

listing all former issues for automated tests

Status: NeedsTests

otwstephanie commented 10 years ago

From autu...@gmail.com on November 14, 2010 11:39:51

Converting from NeedsTest status to NeedsTest label

Status: VerifiedOnBeta
Labels: NeedsTests