Open regs01 opened 3 years ago
Need a trace.
Is there a way to send a trace not that open?
There little to no personally identifiable information in a trace. If you really are worried then you can try to look though it and redact anything that you need to.
There is an app, which is Win16 GUI app. It has Win32 sub-apps. At some points Win16 app is launching modal window, which is launching Win32 app and waiting when it gets closed. Win32 app is saving a file, which is Win16 app is picking then and working with. With NTVDM it was working. But with WineVDM that modal window is immediately closing and throwing error that file doesn't exist. I suspect that it can't understand whatever Win32 app is running or not. It is possible to do anything about it?
It happens on both Windows 10 and Ubuntu 20.10 with Wine.