oudalab / fajita

Event Data Tagging Tool
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Extracting Nouns #117

Open manarlandis opened 7 years ago

manarlandis commented 7 years ago

@ahalterman Is there any plan to find a way to extract nouns differently? adding nouns manually is slowing the coders down and making coding takes longer than they wish it would.

ahalterman commented 7 years ago

I just sent an email to Jing at UTD asking about this. I think she's come up with a better system and now needs to add it to the code we're using.

manarlandis commented 7 years ago

@yan @ahalterman :It still pulls out sentences/paragraph along with one word or two words nouns. I have been trying to see if there is any connection with a certain searched word, but I could not. The system seems does it randomly.

YanLiang1102 commented 7 years ago

@manarlandis it means the parser not working well.