ouhft / COPE

Project Repository for Work Package 4 of the COPE Transplant Trial
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Randomisation mystery #141

Closed marshalc closed 7 years ago

marshalc commented 7 years ago
a.  Randomisation sequence disappears and trial IDs were found to be re-issued to another pair:
Transplant technician (TT) randomises, sees the left and right randomisation and trial ID appearing on the screen. The TT closes the form while connecting the Kidney Assist and kidney. Upon re-opening the form: Case looks like no randomisation has taken place (it looks like the randomisation hasn’t saved). TT again enters the necessary data to do the randomisation, clicks ‘save and randomise’ again and gets the same trial ID and randomisation again. 
If they don’t double-check that the same trial IDs are issues (and as such they have to write these down as the screen disappear), errors occur.
For example: WP4 43003 was randomised on 29/06/2016. As described here, the randomisation didn’t ‘save’. As we were not aware of this problem, the TT had not noticed this issue and went ahead with everything. 

On 28/07/2016 the same donor team procured a COMPARE donor. TT randomised and got the same trial ID WP4 43003 for this second kidney pair. As the first time the randomisation didn’t save, we got a second donor with the same Trial ID. 
The error was noticed upon checking data in the database during data cleaning. We were able to trace this back to the original randomisation as trial IDs are based on the procurement teams. The issue was discussed and flagged for priority fixing on 02/08/2016 in Github. Despite the issue being closed, the problem isn’t solved.
At the moment, TT’s are aware that this happens often and they keep on saving (and randomising) the case until the system has actually has saved it, taking a lot of double or even triple work.

--- from @mertenssarah email.

Task: @mertenssarah to use the test system to prove this happens, and provide a way to reproduce this behaviour.

mertenssarah commented 7 years ago

Would you like to see screenshots or how can I show this to you to make this more clear?

marshalc commented 7 years ago

If you can't manage screenshots, try doing a video from your phone? (assuming you don't have screen capture software installed for video capture). At the very least I'll want to know the times and specific actions you took (along with the specific data entered) so that we can try and reproduce it.

Once we can reproduce it, then we can try and dig for the cause.

marshalc commented 7 years ago

Closing due to inactivity.