ouisharelabs / food-dashboard

food management app which connect to various online services
The Unlicense
38 stars 11 forks source link

interested in collaboration? #1

Open elf-pavlik opened 9 years ago

elf-pavlik commented 9 years ago

Please comment here if you would like to collaborate on food networks interoperability!

wvengen commented 9 years ago

https://github.com/foodcoops/foodsoft: Yes!

guaka commented 9 years ago

Trashwiki isn't very active but probably has over 100 visitors a day, feel free to promote projects there (e.g. on Main Page)

elf-pavlik commented 9 years ago

Please check out README and let us know if you would like to collaborate!

Skud commented 9 years ago

Sounds fab! I don't have any cycles to contribute but I wish you all the best with it :)

fosterlynn commented 9 years ago

@elf-pavlik We're interested in collaborating on vocab for food, especially as it fits into the broader economic vocab. Our food network software is no longer being maintained, but we are working with one food related network with our NRP software. What did you have in mind going forward?

Also, the openfoodnetwork people have been at least been discussing vocab, and I see you have included them. Here is one conversation from last year, there might be more.... http://openfoodfoundation.org/project/standards-protocols/conversation/what-if-anything-should-be-here

simonv3 commented 9 years ago

Hey @elf-pavlik I'm not 100% sure on what you had in mind when you wanted to collaborate. The folks over at OpenFarm (cc @roryaronson) are definitely interested in having conversations about standards. Right now we're working on making our data more standard oriented (https://github.com/openfarmcc/OpenFarm/issues/641, https://github.com/openfarmcc/OpenFarm/issues/241, https://github.com/openfarmcc/OpenFarm/issues/509).

Let us know what you have in mind, it might be a good idea to have a real time conversation. We hang out in Slack (email rory@openfarmcc for an invite) but we also have an IRC channel on freenode that pipes into our slack chat (#openfarmcc).

elf-pavlik commented 9 years ago

Thank you @Skud, @fosterlynn and @simonv3! I'll check out all the previous discussions you have referenced. Also just found this one with many familiar avatars :smile: https://www.loomio.org/d/lKdgHqoJ/open-data-standards

roryaronson commented 9 years ago

Hi all! (thanks for looping me in Simon)

I'm from the OpenFarm team and am interested in this big picture thinking/service linking that you are proposing. I'll listen in on the conversations here and would be glad to hop in on a group real-time meeting if one is proposed.

kirstenalarsen commented 9 years ago

yep for sure. As you can see from @fosterlynn link above, this is something that comes up quite a lot with us - we're definitely interested but not specifically focused on it right now - be great to keep watch / input onto this conversation

just hooking in some other ofn-ers - @pmackay @lin-d-hop @mkllnk @datashaman @aidandunsdon @RohanM @summerscope @myriamboure @rafaqz

also good to try and link in the farm hack / open shops and north east food knowledge network people in the states - they're working on something like this and quite progressed with shared calendar etc. They're particularly focused on north-east usa initially but open source (drupal) . . I'm not github connected though - I'll email them and point them here. Would be great to have all these conversations connected!!

bedhed commented 9 years ago

Hi all, just wanted to say hi and that we're obviously very interested too. At the moment, we're more focused on afk farming development, like http://concoursfermesdavenir.fr/, but we'll hopefully cross the nationnal and digital border soon. Cheers ! Don't hesistate to tell if we can help ! Clément from The Food Assembly (https://github.com/lrqdo)

elf-pavlik commented 9 years ago

Please check out this event planned for end of September and October in Europe: http://wuppdays.foodsharing.de/ Looks like a great possibility to meet in real life with everyone who could make it!

elf-pavlik commented 9 years ago

@sobi3ch @henkRW hi, i just noticed https://github.com/FoodCoopSystem/foodcoopsystem have you seen

and other projects mentioned in this issue? cheers!

elf-pavlik commented 9 years ago

@wvengen @bedhed did you evaluate by any chance open source platform from Open Food Network? http://openfoodnetwork.org/platform/user-guide/

I would like to start matrix of features provided by various platforms and needed by various networks. OFN seems to have great documentation of existing features!

wvengen commented 9 years ago

@elf-pavlik Interesting - I've tried to use OFN about a year ago, but didn't really get anywhere useful. The current documentation looks good. Creating a feature matrix would be really useful, let's start making a list of relevant features e.g. in the wiki.

bedhed commented 9 years ago

@elf-pavlik we looked at ofn but not very deep : what we now is that the model afk is the same as us (hub = assembly), but the online product is open source and free where we are closed source & taking a 8.75% fee. For this fee we provide a lot of other services, online & afk (and even if it's not proven, the fact we are older and have more resources could mean we have more features). Maybe these non-tech elements should be included (or at least available from) in the feature matrix too, so people can compare the features in regard to the underlying model. We don't have such a good looking documentation, but end-user help can be found at http://support.laruchequiditoui.fr/hc/fr (english version available but not as complete). On the top of my head, here is a quick feature list to get started:

myriamboure commented 9 years ago

Great initiative @elf-pavlik ! @bedhed , I am not sure that the afk models are really the same...even if it could look like. The hub notion is broader than the assembly one. In OFN, a hub can be any kind of model, while in the food assembly, I think there is only one model (which is the model of the Assembly defined by the Food Assembly, no?). In OFN, a hub can be a farmer who wants to sell its products directly, a group of farmers who want to sell their products together, a group of consumers who want to buy together, an entrepreneur who want to open something like an assembly, or sell local products to restaurants, stores, canteens, etc. I like to say that OFN cultivates the eco-diversity :-) Also in the features list, in OFN every "entreprise" (either a hub or a producer) can set up its own "entreprise fees", their shipping methods, payment methods, etc. That fits its model (they can take 0% commission if that's a hub which is run on a volunteer base for example). It is definitely true that the food assembly has developed a specific support to hubs that is very valuable, and has the advantage to propose a "simple model", while OFN enable a lot of customization and give a lot of flexibility to enable to operate lots of different models, which also increase a bit the complexity (even if, in my opinion, it stays pretty simple to use). Another feature in OFN is the "holonic dimension". you can create "groups" on OFN, gathering any mix of producers and hubs, to make cooperation easier. For example that can be used by hubs who want to cooperate on logistics. My perception is that OFN is more an infrastructure... that's why we want it to be a "commons", deployed by a network of non-profit partners. I agree that it is important to show in the matrix non-tech elements as well :-) In the features list I would add the possibility to connect with accounting packages? Cheers:-)

elf-pavlik commented 9 years ago

@myriamboure @bedhed @wvengen @sjockers please let's move conversation about various specialized sub types of Hub do dedicated thread: https://github.com/ouisharelabs/food-dashboard/issues/4 Thanks!

bedhed commented 9 years ago

@myriamboure I oversimplified and apologize for that. But we agree on the fact that providing AFK and model comparison not far from the features comparison is relevant.

henkRW commented 9 years ago

Hi @elf-pavlik, yes we seen Foodsoft, and we decided to build own system localized in Poland. We are developing new version based on Symfony2 (PHP backend API) and AngularJs (optionally Fornt-end app). We are open to integrate it with OFN or other suppliers/producers or food share networks.

http://wuppdays.foodsharing.de/ looks intresting. But I don't know If I can go there yet.

For sure we are going to Warsaw https://co-munity.net/growl/events/4th-national-gathering-food-cooperatives-warsaw

I know about one more group from Copenhagen: https://github.com/kbhff/eggplant


elf-pavlik commented 9 years ago

@henkRW Hi :smile:

Could you please point me to the documentation of your API? I would like to know if you reuse some already existing common API patterns and data formats. For example something like http://apicommons.org or http://schema.org/ etc.

Together with @fosterlynn and couple other people we start in next days a new Community Group at W3C - Social Economy to coordinate such work and also see possibility of standardizing work already happening in https://github.com/openvocab


elf-pavlik commented 8 years ago

ping @infertux @ootoovak http://www.buckybox.com/team.html https://twitter.com/buckybox/status/650572521499066368

BTW glad to see at least Samson among participants of Enspiral's Open App Ecosystem Group

brauliobo commented 8 years ago

Hey guys, I'm Bráulio from EITA Cooperative from Brazil. Just had a nice conversation with @elf-pavlik about http://openfoodnetwork.org/platform/user-guide/advanced-features/buying-groups/.

It was pretty nice to see connected initiatives around the world and the effort to connect their systems.

Let me briefly explain about the system we use. It is a free software project, called Noosfero (https://gitlab.com/noosfero/noosfero), based on Rails. We actually call it Noosfero-ecosol (https://github.com/coletivoEITA/noosfero-ecosol) to bring a focus on solidarity economy. The basic entities are Community, Enterprise and Person, as we are a social-economic-network. In the economic part, we have products which associates inputs, price details (for open price), qualifiers, certifiers, etc. For buying groups, we have six plugins: delivery, orders, suppliers, volunteers, orders_cycle and consumers_coop. (stock coming in the next few months). For ecommerce we use a plugin called shopping_cart. It was very interesting to see how aligned we are in terms use :) The source code of them are at: https://github.com/coletivoEITA/noosfero-ecosol/tree/next/plugins

Today 6 consumers' coop and 700 SSE use the system on Cirandas.net. Some consumers coop links: http://cirandas.net/comerativamente http://redemoinho.coop.br/catalog http://cirandas.net/uilikande/ http://cirandas.net/bem-da-terra These groups are basically selling organic and fair trade foods.

For interop we now support ESSGlobal, which is an effort of RIPESS, to interoperate solidarity economy systems' data. You can see ESSGlobal RDFa data extracted from one product here: http://linter.structured-data.org/?url=http:%2F%2Fartgravata.com.br%2Fmyprofile%2Fmanage_products%2Fshow%2F46002%3Frank%3D0

Our plan is to move to Riot.js on our next financing we are looking for, so that our entire system will be based on JSONs APIs.

elf-pavlik commented 8 years ago

Thank you @brauliobo !

I will propose soon an online video call where everyone interested can demo their platforms (we can record it and share with others). Let's all please also remember that we have chat room available for more spontanious exchanges of thoughts: https://gitter.im/ouisharelabs/food-dashboard :speech_balloon:

brauliobo commented 8 years ago

@elf-pavlik there is also this one from spain: https://github.com/jmueller17/Aixada @jmueller17

bhaugen commented 8 years ago

We're not so interested in demoing our food network software, because we are not working on it anymore. But people could mine the code if they want, and we will be reworking the planning features from that software into this newer project. While we do that, any other food-related projects that are interested in planning supply and demand for next year or next season or next month can join us and we can make the design more portable.

elf-pavlik commented 8 years ago

I hope @bablukid working on http://www.cagette.net/ | https://github.com/bablukid/cagette will join he conversation :smile:

bablukid commented 8 years ago

Hey ! thx for inviting me @elf-pavlik ! I'm a french developer and author of cagette.net , an open source software for french food coops called "AMAP" ( which could be translated to : nonprofit organization supporting sustainable , local and organic agriculture ). I'm working on it since 2013 and I have 13 groups (1000+ families) using it in south west France. I plan to start a broader communication in one month to spread the software over all the french-speaking countries. I'm doing this professionally, it means I provide paid "hosting and support" memberships.

simonv3 commented 8 years ago

@bablukid that's awesome. what is in involved in spreading it to other communities? Are you at all interested in doing it in other languages? I'm Belgian and could translate to dutch.

bablukid commented 8 years ago

@simonv3 thanks for your proposal but it's a bit early for me. I still need to make my software more mature before considering translating it. But perhaps along 2016 I will be technically and structurally ready to start such a project. I'll keep you in touch :) Anyway if someone make a feature comparison matrix , I'll be glad to contribute by adding a column for Cagette.net.

Selmo-OFN commented 8 years ago

@bablukid great to see your work! We should absolutely talk... we're working on openfoodnetwork and there are many parallels. We're also looking to launch in France and other francophone countries - let's join forces!

elf-pavlik commented 8 years ago

let's join forces!


If we compare above to Golden rule, as the equivalent of Silver rule I would see something in lines: "At least let's do our best not to ignore each other and honestly communicate with one another"

bablukid commented 8 years ago

Hi @Selmo-OFN , I know OFN and it looks really cool ! That said, I won't "switch" to OFN for the following reasons

Anyway, if there is a smart project on interoperability, let me know.

BTW anyone knows if there is a project aiming at locating sustainable food producers on a map for "sourcing" purposes ? maybe on OpenStreetMaps ?

bhaugen commented 8 years ago


if there is a smart project on interoperability, let me know.

Smart? I don't know. But project on interoperability? ValueFlows

Still early stages. Some of us used to work on food network software, so we know the domain.

fosterlynn commented 8 years ago

But project on interoperability? ValueFlows

Better link (more explanation): https://github.com/valueflows/valueflows

This is the same project @elf-pavlik mentioned way back in this issue, used to be called openvocab.

simonv3 commented 8 years ago

@bablukid Not on OpenStreetMaps but http://www.seedtip.com/

elf-pavlik commented 8 years ago

BTW anyone knows if there is a project aiming at locating sustainable food producers on a map for "sourcing" purposes ? maybe on OpenStreetMaps ?

@bablukid please meet @almereyda working on OSM based http://transformap.co/ and for mapping AMAPs @sjockers - https://ernte-teilen.org ( https://github.com/teikei/teikei ) It also happens that both of them participate in http://codefor.de/berlin/ so hopefully both projects could interoperate in near future :smile:

brauliobo commented 8 years ago

cc @dtygel from cirandas.net

mblaney commented 8 years ago

hi @elf-pavlik I work on food hub software at https://lettuceshare.org (hosted on gitlab.com). I'm also implementing indieweb protocols, happy to be part of a conversation about how that can be used for our food networks.

elf-pavlik commented 8 years ago

@mblaney awesome!!! let's chat one of next days on #indiewebcamp IRC? http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-10-25/line/1445842279078

Later today I should create new issue about doing G+ Hangout on Air all together and everyone taking 10min to demo software you work on using screenshare. As @brauliobo suggested :smile:

infertux commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the invite @elf-pavlik.

We've been working on Bucky Box for a few years now. We're tailored for the box scheme model (primarily present in the UK but also in AU & NZ). Our app is a paid service (free up to 10 users) as we're trying to turn it into a sustainable business on the long run. That said, we're progressively open-sourcing bits of our app. In the future, we'd like to rebuild our core engine from scratch as open-source to be more generic and support other food operations.

I'm really interested about the idea of coming up with standards to make different food software and platforms interoperable. We have an API but it's not very useful in that regard. However, I don't think we have enough capacity to contribute much at this point as we are seriously resource-constrained - it's just two of us right now. Happy to fill in the matrix though and thank you for starting this kind of initiative! :)

elf-pavlik commented 8 years ago

I would like to say THANK YOU to everyone who engages in collaboration with other peers in this amazing environment! Here or anywhere else in general.

To assist making mentioned matrix of features, I would like to propose that a team working on each of the projects, records 10 - 15min (max!) screencast to showcase existing features. Few guidelines that I can think of:

1) Clear explanation of different audiences who do use this software. For example people who grow food, people who facilitate order cycles, people who consume food, people who administer the platform instance etc. (related #4) 2) Walk through common usage patterns for each of those audiences. For example registration of new account, creating order cycle and curating products list, adding items to inventory etc. 3) Publish it somewhere online e.g. Vimeo, Youtube, GNU MediaGoblin ... 4) No need for 'professional' screencast! I think if you write down on piece of paper what you would like to showcase and than just start recording screen and audio it will work out just fine. Of course once someone sees other people's screencasts and decides that something needs improving, than one can record a new version which will replace the old one - KISS

I commit myself to watch all of the submitted videos and based on that create initial boilerplate for futures comparison matrix.

I would very much like to explicitly mention couple of project which I really hope will participate

Open Source


Please excuse me if I missed some project which one of people on this thread works on, I will add it here if you request it in comment! "Let the collaboration begin continue!" :smiley: :

kirstenalarsen commented 8 years ago

Hi people

Great to see this gaining momentum. I have to plead a slight overwhelm at the moment so not sure quite how actively I personally can engage at this point, but very supportive in spirit and as much as i can. Re. screencast, I'm not sure if someone else in the team has a plan to do this by next week, but I'm reckon this webinar recorded a few months ago would do for starters - http://openfoodnetwork.org/2015/06/webinar-9pm-aest-tues-23-june/

It's more than 10-15 mins and not 100% up to date but would give you the idea, and you don't have to watch all of it :)

Cheers Kirsten

On 28 October 2015 at 20:48, elf Pavlik notifications@github.com wrote:

I would like to say THANK YOU to everyone who engages in collaboration with other peers in this amazing environment! Here or anywhere else in general.

To assist making mentioned matrix of features, I would like to propose that a team working on each of the projects, records 10 - 15min (max!) screencast to showcase existing features. Few guidelines that I can think of:

1) Clear explanation of different audiences who do use this software. For example people who grow food, people who facilitate order cycles, people who consume food, people who administer the platform instance etc. (related

4 https://github.com/ouisharelabs/food-dashboard/issues/4)

2) Walk through common usage patterns for each of those audiences. For example registration of new account, creating order cycle and curating products list, adding items to inventory etc. 3) Publish it somewhere online e.g. Vimeo, Youtube, GNU MediaGoblin ... 4) No need for 'professional' screencast! I think if you write down on piece of paper what you would like to showcase and than just start recording screen and audio it will work out just fine. Of course once someone sees other people's screencasts and decides that something needs improving, than one can record a new version which will replace the old one

I commit myself to watch all of the submitted videos and based on that create initial boilerplate for futures comparison matrix.

I would very much like to explicitly mention couple of project which I really hope will participate Open Source


Please excuse me if I missed some project which one of people on this thread works on, I will add it here if you request it in comment! "Let the collaboration begin continue!" [image: :smiley:] :

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/ouisharelabs/food-dashboard/issues/1#issuecomment-151782877 .

roryaronson commented 8 years ago

Hey hey, I made a thing! I hope this helps let you all know where we're at with OpenFarm. I didn't take the time to edit, so it is a little frazzle-brained and all done in one cut. Hope that's okay :)


elf-pavlik commented 8 years ago

I'm not sure if someone else in the team has a plan to do this by next week, but I'm reckon this webinar recorded a few months ago would do for starters - http://openfoodnetwork.org/2015/06/webinar-9pm-aest-tues-23-june/

This video doesn't play for me :cry: I guess fault of the dropbox link used as its source https://www.dropbox.com/home/clickmeeting?preview=recording-2356035-20150623210142.mp4&_=1

I didn't take the time to edit, so it is a little frazzle-brained and all done in one cut. Hope that's okay :)

Perfect! I encourage everyone to watch your screencast and find inspiration in it :smiley: I would also like to share it with couple of friends and on social media, would you like to put it on Youtube first or I can share directly this google drive link? (no likes comments etc. in this case)

THANK YOU @roryaronson & @kirstenalarsen

cillian commented 8 years ago

Hey, I'm working on mapping what's produced locally, and what's not, the project is called Open Economy Log. I'll definetly keep an eye on this to see if there are ways to link up with others. See https://openeconomylog.org/about for a quick screenshot tour. The code is on Gitlab https://gitlab.com/open-economy-log/open-economy-log.

roryaronson commented 8 years ago

@elf-pavlik, you can just share the drive link :)

On Fri, Oct 30, 2015, 9:46 AM cillian notifications@github.com wrote:

Hey, I'm working on mapping what's produced locally, and what's not, the project is called Open Economy Log. I'll definetly keep an eye on this to see if there are ways to link up with others. See https://openeconomylog.org/about for a quick screenshot tour. The code is on Gitlab https://gitlab.com/open-economy-log/open-economy-log.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/ouisharelabs/food-dashboard/issues/1#issuecomment-152583450 .

Rory Aronson

bhaugen commented 8 years ago

We have this earlier project, Food Network Software, that we are not working on anymore, although it is still in use in a couple of food networks we know of, and we still get requests for login credentials to the demo. It might have been among the earlier open source projects of its kind (first version in 2008).

I don't know if it is worth doing a video about, given its inactive status.

We stopped working on it because all of these other wonderful open source food-oriented software projects emerged, so it seemed like a solved problem, so we went on to the next challenge: connecting all of the value flows in economic networks. That project has two forms:

Both of those projects are tip-toeing into the food domain (e.g. DHen that @elf-pavlik mentioned) but don't have as many food-oriented features as the first project mentioned above. The reason that project (food network software) may remain interesting for this collaboration is some features that we think would still be valuable, which your project might want to implement, and for which you could mine the design and code. For example:

If anybody finds any of that to be interesting, please yell and we'll figure out how to collaborate.

elf-pavlik commented 8 years ago

@bhaugen thank you for sharing more of the background. I believe many of us here would find it interesting to see how you use valuenework software in DHen. Screencast gives everyone a chance to have nice guided tour :smile:

mblaney commented 8 years ago

Hi everyone, nice to hear about so many other projects. I've made a short screencast about getting started with lettuceshare.org: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_OXAurJXcg

Thanks for the prompt to have a go at this @elf-pavlik :-)

elf-pavlik commented 8 years ago

sweet :smiley_cat: thank you @mblaney!

As I understood, lettuceshare has only two roles

Questions: 1) How do you manage multiple groups ordering from the same supplier? (as I understand supplier doesn't have account or inventory of available products) 2) Can multiple suppliers provide 'same' products for a group? e.g. Apples: Golden Delicious available from 3 different suppliers 3) In your stock, can you set for a product maximum of what supplier (or suppliers) can provide and order from them exact amounts after people place their individual orders? 4) Do you have some special 'superadmin' role and interface for people who manage the whole instance like lettuceshare.org?

@wvengen I would really like to see 'extras', and 'items per box' feature of foodsoft-adam ordering interface explained in a potential screencast.