ouisharelabs / food-dashboard

food management app which connect to various online services
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Responsa: an opensource Android app for responsible consumption #12

Open dtygel opened 7 years ago

dtygel commented 7 years ago

Hi all,

If you're interested, we've developped and launched RESPONSA, an app for responsible consumption. There you can find, in Brazil, community gardens, collective consumption groups, solidarity economy initiatives, restaurants with organic ingredients, agroecology initiatives, organic markets and fairs, cultural collectives and more from 10 maps which are external sources, besides the suggestions that now come from the app itself. We already have more than 5 thousand users in only one month after launch, and almost 4 thousand mapped initiatives. In the app you can:

  1. See the initiatives around you
  2. Launch challenges on changing your consumption habits for people in yout city or in your region or challenges for all app users (it's like a stack overflow app)
  3. Create meetings in the initiatives, which are broadcast to everyone in town
  4. Suggest new initiatives to the database, which is also opendata, accessible through REST by other systems which might be interested
  5. Chat in an initiative online, like a messaging system not directly between people, but in each initiative being a kind of "chat room" where you see messages from others instantly.

I'm wondering: What if you collaborate with this app to translate it to other idioms (it's fully internationalized) and launch it in other countries with the external sources you've already listed here?


The team is a partnership between our TI cooperative EITA (http://eita.org.br) and Kairós, an NGO which struggles for responsible consumption (http://institutokairos.net/)

We will be happy to help whoever wants to collaborate on setting a local environment for development and also understanding the code. Besides using this issue to discuss this, you can also drop a mesage to me at dtygel@eita.org.br


daniel tygel