ourStoryNetwork / lp81-operations-platform

Discussions around the processes and coordination of the ourStory bMO Community
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8.1.0 Chief Operating Office (dCOO) [Operations Platform Metadata] #10

Open trainfarb opened 1 year ago

trainfarb commented 1 year ago

Use Bullet Journal as the operating system Use this as digital interface, then paste notes into GitHub Issues: https://www.qownnotes.org Basis of Design: Day in the life of a Field Engineer https://youtube.com/watch?v=hej-XJiyuu0&si=fYC104g0rO879ReI

trainfarb commented 1 year ago

LOOM VIDEO: ourStory 0.9_b81 gr45v1: Onboarding Golden Path v0.00.00 - Setting Project Management Process Intention

gr45v1belief: Talking through my intentions of splitting up all tasks for onboarding in the lp81-operations-platform. How each tasks is atomized into onboarding metadata and deliverable. Talking about splitting each task up into a repetitive 3-step process.

Next, I'll turn each Golden Path into an issue in the lp81-operations-platform and add initial videos for this process.

trainfarb commented 1 year ago

ourStory 0.9_b81 gr45v2 v0.00.00: Onboarding Golden Path - Add Golden Path Items to Operations Platform

LOOM VIDEO: ourStory 0.9_b81 gr45v2 v0.00.00: Onboarding Golden Path - Add Golden Path Items to Operations Platform

gr45v2science: Walking through the onboard golden path milestones and adding them all to the lp81-operations-platform repository on GitHub and finding the structure for the comments.

Next, I'll record a video reflecting on what I did and coming up with the next step that I'll take to improve this and how it relates to the onboarding application. As an example, maybe the threads app can have each of the questions pre-loaded, and people respond to each and load in these types of comments as "commit statements" for their proof of work. Then, whey they hit publish it adds it as a comment to the GitHub issue or discussion and posts it on the wellnessWallet app (like talking about the platform through the lens of balance period because it helps remove my ego from the idea).

trainfarb commented 1 year ago

Will be combining GitHub Issues and Threads as a Nostr client as a Bullet Journal Inspired project management tool is pretty valuable. That's the backend portfolioWallet that the wellnessWallet and other wallets can be transformed with.

These GitHub Issues will have clear headers for proof of work and these comments in between will be the intentional discussions that people have within a project.

BENEFIT: Helpful for reducing the cognitive load of having to manage so many different ideas. Do the upfront work of prioritizing your 10 most important project teams, choosing a single task to focus on for each one, and funneling all proof-of-work and constructive conversation within the same thread so it's easier to write effective stories/publications/podcasts/case studies/beatDrops once it's done.

BENEFIT: Easiest way to create a case study to demonstrate the value that I can provide to myself and others.

trainfarb commented 1 year ago

8.1.0 v0.00.00 - Brainstorm Metadata Structure

2023 09 06

Minimum Problem

Hard to give a snapshot view of how oS3 Platform Ecosystems operate.

Viable Solution

Descriptive and consistent metadata structure that provides an easy to understand how oS3 Platform Ecosystems operate.

Product Delivery

Proof of Work

Thinking of new ways to map this out.

0.9/9.0 1.8/5.4 // 8.1
Application/Ecological Public // Work
Programming/Succession Private // Breakdown
Interface/Plan Partnership // Structure

Here's the final structure that I came up with for the platforms covered

Naming convention for the rest of these are all based on the values that were set in 1.8.2 Private Tokenomics (ex. ourStory/openSource/operationgSystem; Satirical/Spiritual/Singularity; etc)

This should be the naming convention across all of the teams. Always end with the platform name and operatingSystem

Next Steps

trainfarb commented 1 year ago

MERGED from https://github.com/trainfarb/trainfarb/issues/43


8.1.0 v0.00.00 [DEG pt2] Metadata

Product Brainstorming